informing and fighting back against education overreaches to save hearts and souls
The federal government continues to advance its usurpation of power in the area of education by pushing artificial intelligence, but they aren’t stopping at education. They plan to implement all the Sustainable Development Goals of the anti-American, Anti-Christ United Nations via AI. The Common Core Diva Lynne Taylor joins me in this episode to provide us with information so that we can make informed decisions and attacks the beast system that is criminally advancing this agenda.
Articles, videos, previous shows and links mentioned in this episode, plus additional content provided by Lynne.
America’s Frontline Doctor Reveals How To Detoxify From Graphene Oxide (Video)
The original article on the New Bill of Rights for AI: https://www.commoncorediva.
Our 2020 interview where we tied AI to Trump’s Administration. It applies as a foundation for where Biden’s Administration is taking us: https://www.commoncorediva.
Links for the Webinars on AI:
The Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies joined the federal gov’t for this webinar on AI and developing more civic justice:
Time stamps to use: Beginning to 1:28; 2:47 to 5:06; 6:14-7:26ish; 9:00; 10:10; 11:26-16:54 and 17:20ish
New America’s co-host with the feds for more social welfare development via AI:
Time stamps: around 2:15; near 5:00-7:20; near 10:20
Tied to NA is N|YU’s Center for Human Rights and Global Justice:
German Marshall Fund’s webinar with the feds was AI and consumer protection:
Tied to GMF is TechNet:
Related to AI:
Look at this Nov. 21 press release for all the P3 activity for AI and data tracking:
Congress has over 600 bills for advancing AI in the US:
The Center for Democracy and Technology’s response to the federal gov’t’s biometric listening session #1 (on 11/18/21):
It’s no coincidence that UNESCO is also pushing AI.
From 11/24/21:
The summary for UNESCO’s ethics in AI:
The full report (will need to download): We’ll need pages 2, 5, 9 and 22
From the UN, how AI meshes with all 17 SDGs:
Curriculum sample:
Resources for more ‘on your own’ research:
1) From my blog’s archives, all I have on AI: https://www.commoncorediva.
2) Alison’s blog:
3) Julieanne’s blog: http://www.heartsoverhexagons.
4) Lynn (TX)’s website:
5) Jason’s website:
6) Joe’s website:
AND Joe’s on-line game:
Action item:
Access the Federal Registry to tell the gov’t why AI and its use in biometrics means more nanny state control, not less: https://www.federalregister.
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