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informing and fighting back against education overreaches to save hearts and souls
The Common Core Diva Lynne Taylor joins me for this Rotten to the Core episode and continues to expose nearly two dozen bills put forth by the current Congress that violate the Tenth Amendment, Article I, and the natural rights of parents concerning the educating of their children. Oh, and it isn’t just Democrats doing it, it’s mostly Republicans.
Articles, links, videos and bonus videos mentioned in this episode, along with additional resources provided by Lynne.
1) The US Ed announcement:
2) From 2020, the fed overreaches into food and mental health were under the R watch then. Now, the Ds have it and it’s more of the same: https://www.commoncorediva.
3) The UN back door into our food via ‘education’: https://www.commoncorediva.
4) Does anyone remember HR 2 (The omnibus Ag Act)?: https://www.commoncorediva.
5) The US gov’t updated ‘healthy kids’ campaign: https://www.
5a) The USDA’s proposed updated food standards for schools:
MEANWHILE, Just introduced in Congress are the following overreaching ‘nanny state’ bills:
HR 46 (Mental Health and Gun Access)
HR 774 (Behavioral Health of all Education Staff and related employees)
HR 822 (Student Mental Health Helpline)
S 456 (Authorizes non medical counseling by MH professionals for military families)
HR 635 (Expands access to mental health services which include education and workforce training. Impacts Medicare)
HR 773 (Homelessness and Behavioral Care Coordination)
S 198 (Modernizes all rural health clinics and uses Medicaid $)
HR 670 (Think Differently Database) IT’s The BIGGEST TROJAN
HR 305 (One Nurse, One School) IT’s the MEDICAID TROJAN
To see Congressional Records on MH and Guns:
To see Congressional Records on MH Crisis Status in the US:
To understand the mental health overreaches which have been in the works since the early 1990s, be sure to read Anita Hoge’s “Womb to Tomb” pdf (attached). The dangers? Schools are the hubs to ‘feed’ the beast.
Womb to Tomb Anita Hoge 1995 299pgs EDU.sml by Tim Brown on Scribd
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