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informing and fighting back against education overreaches to save hearts and souls
It’s been an informative and crazy year. As we approach the end of it and look forward to what is ahead, the Common Core Diva Lynne Taylor joins me in this Rotten To The Core episode on The Sons of Liberty to highlight some of the information we’ve covered in 2021 and what is in store for 2022, Lord willing.
Articles, videos and links with additional resources provided by Lynne.
Data Reveals COVID Shots Triggering Psychiatric Disorders In Hundreds Of Thousands Of People
US Journalists Threatened By US Government (Video)
Resistance Is Working: Hospitals Regret Firing Workers For Refusing Jabs, Now Hiring Them Back
Confronting The School Board “Sandbox Tyrants” – Masking For Money (Videos)
What would you most like to see covered in 2022, on Rotten/Wednesdays?
Would you host a Rotten/Wednesday type event (in person or virtual) in 2022?
What do you feel is the most important ‘action item’ facing us in education for 2022?
Here’s the list top countries that have been reached between Lynne’s blog and the shows we do each week.
Here’s the Top Article/Topic List from the dashboard (regardless of when it was published, this is based on the last 30 days only):
My Choice of Top Articles/Topics:
Charlotte’s appearance
jAke’s appearance
Our work on AI
Our work on SEL
Educratic Fascism
All the topics I’ve mentioned can be searched out on the blog:
If end of the year giving is something you practice, support my upcoming research, work, and speaking in 2022 OR to say thanks for what you’ve shown me in 2021: https://www.commoncorediva.
Kicking off a what we hope to be great 2022, is the other media outlet I contribute to: Breaking News Journal (
We’re hosting a 12 hour marathon of content on 12/31/21. I’ve been asked to interview parents from across the US on the topic of education to promote my TV channel on BNJ TV.
Opportunities for you to give AND receive!
Subscribe to my channel ($2.99 per month) and receive access to ALL of the BNJ TV shows available on Amazon and Roku. Since the network is membership funded, the content can be better controlled so your family can access ‘clean TV’.
The upcoming marathon will feature some big names in Hollywood, dedicated to keeping things G and PG, as well as researcher journalists like myself.
This year’s goal is to gain 1 million subscribers! The BJN TV family is also looking to grow!
The genre of programs is as wide as the ocean, so contact Dr. Ruth Bryant-White ASAP.
Tell her the Common Core Diva sent you!
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