For Adults Only: The United Nations & Department Of Education Have Set Their Sights On All Ages

The United Nations & Department Of Education have set their sights on EVERY age group when it comes to learning. Think it’s for academics? Common Core Diva Lynne Taylor joins me in this episode to break down what’s really going on… comrades.

*Lynne wanted to correct her reference to President Eisenhower being connected to ESEA & HEA.  It was actually President Johnson.

Resources mentioned and some we didn’t get to cover provided by Lynne.

*The DC Public Charter link was already broken, so here’s another link (*I did update the article with this new link):

1) The OECD’s Adult Competency Assessment (PIAAC): Slides to feature: 5, 10, 12, 16, 19 & 20
2) The U.S. Dept of Ed’s Adult Profile in Education, use pages 1-1, 1-2. and, 1-3.

3) The ‘glowing’ summary Reagan’s Library has on the US/USSR Ed/Citizen Agreements:

4) From Charlotte Iserbyt, 2012 (EduGate): AND (*NOTE: This was the hard copy paper written and featuring Charlotte’s info about EDUGATE)

5) Also from Charlotte, 2014 (more on the Agreements, names named and how charters play into all of this)

6) The US/USSR Citizen Exchange Agreement (look how education was involved):

7) The US/USSR Education Agreement (Rand Corp is named/State Dept., many universities, the Nat’l Acad of Science are also named)

(*Note: We’ll use pages 83-87)

9) My short video on the fascist nature of charters (begin at 1 minute and end at 6:10)

(*Note: Time stamp 7:19 -9:01; 19:00-24:12; 26:30-28:07; and, 32:25-33:50) Listen out for: Reagan/Gorbachev Polytechnical Agreement/Marc Tucker/quota system/charters/totalitarian economy/regional gov’t/K-80 workforce/lifelong learning/Reagan)
1) My article on Tucker’s Estonia model in the US:

(*Note: there’s a broken link in the article. To the best of my knowledge, here’s the link again:

2) All I have on adult charter school and/or adult education at the hands of the CCSS Machine:

*NOTE: According to our gov’t adult ed begins at age 16

3) Carnegie is named in several places for undermining the country AND education. If you don’t know the many foundations with the Carnegie name:
(**Note: Both Carnegie and Marx were socialists. This source shows their likes/differences:

Ed 457386 by Tim Brown on Scribd

Wolves in Sheeps Clothing I… by pterodaktil

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