As we observe Lent 2022, The Liberty Belles take a look at the alignment of God’s Word to the CCSS (Common Core State Standards) Machine. It was claimed, early in the rolling out of Common Core, that it would reduce the ‘deep and widening gaps’ happening in learning.<br>Quite the opposite has happened. These ‘State Standards’ have enveloped EVERYTHING, including our Bibles, our worship, and our attitudes. It has resulted in “The Deep and Wide Assault of the Holy Scripture”. Think of the children’s song “Deep & Wide”.
If you conduct a general internet search for Common Core Bible Study, you will be shocked at the results.
On this episode, we shovel the manure (so you don’t have to) and show you how American publishing companies (many publish Bibles and other Christian resources) have willingly agreed to promote the UN’s SDGs (United Nations Sustainable Development Goals). Some have even embedded ungodly content in these resources (including those daily devotions you can find in children’s Bibles). Some of these same publishers ALSO produce educational content.”
Christian publishers involved with the common core machine and the UN’s SDG’s include Abingdon Press, Tyndale House, Harvest House, InterVarsity Press, Waterbrook, Concordia, CrossWay, Zondervan, Paraclete, Moody, Baylor, and Cokesbury.
In this context, The Liberty Belles cover how all of this interweaves to affect marriage, other personal relationships, family, church, education, promote agreements such as NAFTA and USMCA, while using scripture out of context to appear in alignment with God’s word and embracing of Noahide Laws.