If the usurpations of the federal government were not enough in practically every area of life, the communist agenda in education continues to be a major stronghold in attempts to indoctrinate our children. Sadly, even homeschoolers are targeted. We’ll tell you how and how to avoid being trapped by the fed’s fool’s gold.
1) The HSLDA hour-long “College/Career Readiness” presentation from late Feb. 2021:
2) The Campaign for Grade-Level Reading’s website http://gradelevelreading.net/ (they host Funder to Funder Conversations every month)
(March 16th’s ‘conversation centered on the philanthropic partnerships and funding now going directly to parents)
Presenters were from Walton Family Foundation (Wal-Mart), United Way (ties to UN), New Profit (ties to Koch Enterprises), and, the Carnegie Foundation. All of these groups are ‘card-carrying members of the CCSS Machine, and, have been for years. Carnegie especially has been in the progressive ruining of classic education for decades longer.
If you look at this Dept/Labor page, note the Summer Challenge to data-mine your community, as well as scrolling down and seeing community colleges (one ‘tool’ the CCSS Machine uses to attract homeschoolers, adult learners, dual enrollment, etc.). Also note the substance abuse will also attach to mental health. https://www.dol.gov/agencies/oasp/evaluation