In this episode, the Common Core Diva Lynne Taylor joins me to expose the latest dirty tricks by the United Nations and the traitors in our midst. Some of these are some doozies.
All The Prophets Were Pointing To The Front; Soldier Of The Cross; Soldier Of The Cross Bundle; Children Of The Apostate; Bradlee Dean 3 Pack Bundle
(The webinar link is included. We’ll need time stamps:
2:19-2:44; near 4:35, near the 15 minute mark; near the 17:06 mark; 25:45; 27:38 and 31:21)
2) Below are the assorted links that are related to the webinar:
(Proof that both mainstream parties will go after housing, just from different angles. However, both sides will absolutely need the data trails from birth to death.)
(No visual map will be seen, but the document you can download is called “Data Sharing Road Map: Improving Student Outcomes through Partnerships between Public Housing Agencies and School Districts”) The 3rd attachment is the Jan. 2017 document in its entirety.
(U.S. Dept of Housing/Urban Development’s data trail)
(AI, Artificial Intelligence, and the SDGs)
(How data feeds the SDGs. Remember, SDG #4 is “Quality Education” and has long been identified as the ‘chief change agent’ to bring about total compliance. Why? Education reaches the largest mass of people at the same time (think about it, ALL levels of education have the SDGs woven into them.)
8) Think data tracking is not kept on home education? Read this from The Hill:
(While the report focuses on an extreme case of suggested neglect, listen to the conversation between the WV Superintendent and the reporter) Total time of video is under 4 minutes.
For the archives/audience’s further investigations:
1) These quotes are from an email I wrote for a group I’m mentoring. The message definitely applies to the show’s topic:
“As mentors to others, we must be sure we recognize that leaders are people, not gods who will rescue us. As mentors, we must know that our children’s personal private data is seen as a ‘cash cow’ to a corrupt system. That data is meant to streamline how your school districts are funded and operate; where they will see their coursework steered; where that assessment/test will ‘direct’ them. It’s a cycle set up for control.
Our job is to STOP that control from being placed in a top-down system which needs your child to become a cog in the wheel for economic gain of an entire nation.
Why? Because, for decades, big biz/big data and big gov’t had plotted to insert skill based psychology into education, especially via testing.
It’s bad because it sets up a data tracking trail from education to job placement. However, with the advances of AI, it won’t stop there. It’s bad because the academic parts of education are being left behind and replaced with skill based learning to create jobs for an economy that will pigeonhole where your children live & work. It’s bad because the data doesn’t stay local as we’ve been lied to about. It goes global, several times over & to several locations parents never said ‘yes’ to. Finally, it’s bad because the promised protection of FERPA (Family Education Right to Privacy Act) is an illusion. That data protection was gutted under Obama’s and has NEVER been repealed. That means that under our previous Administration, as well as the current one, the data channels have been left wide open. The data is a huge money maker for public/private partnerships.“
3) The second image is from an article I wrote back in 2019. While it’s about education’s use of data to track us from cradle to grave, I need to state (again, for the record) that the comparison of cyber data rape to the actual physical act is in no way dismissing the horrible crime, rather, it points to the need to hold officials just as criminally accountable for cyber data rape.)

2018 video shows Kamala fist pumping and chanting “down with deportation!!” at LA parade
Kamala says she’d “like another debate” with the “former vice president.”
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