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informing and fighting back against education overreaches to save hearts and souls
Below are the articles of my research pertaining to this video:
— Education: Going For Broke –
Common Core Diva blog:
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“Early Head Start”, AFT, alignment, Anti Fed Ed Warriors, Career Tech Education, CCSS Machine, CDC (Centers for Disease Control), Child Care Community Development Block Grants, Choice Neighborhood Initiative (CNI), Concentration Grants for LEAs, congress, data mining, ECE assessments (early childhood education), ESEA (Elementary and Secondary Education Act), ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act), grants, HBCUs (Historically Black Colleges/Universities), HEA (Higher Education Act), Head Start, HR 1693, HR 2 (Moving Forward Act), HR 7614 (Appropriations for Labor/ED/HHS/related), HR 7616 (Appropriations for Transportation/HUD/Related), IDEA Funds, IES (Institute of Education Sciences), impact aid, Indian Education, innovation, LEAs (Local Educational Agencies), NEA, Open Secrets website, P3s (public private partnerships), Rep. David Price (NC), Rep. DeLauro (CT), S 4131/HR 7302 (Accessible Affordable Internet Access for All Act), School Improvement Programs, SDGs, SEL (social emotional learning), sister bills, skill based training, SLDS (Student Longitudinal Data System), STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math), Sustainable Development Goals, Target Grants for LEAs, technology, U S Dept of Education, UN (United Nations), warriors, WIOA (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act), workforce, WQDI (Workforce Quality Data Initiative), wrap around services, Youth Build