Weekly Blog Schedule

Below are the themed days of the week. Suggestions, comments, questions are always welcomed.


“Riddle Me This & I’ll Tell You That” (devoted to the questions we have about the CCSS Machine and the answers we seek)


“Monday Musings” (where I share what’s on my heart & mind about the people involved in CCSS)


“From the Files” (where I reach back in the archives of all my files & share with you to help you stay armed in the battle)


“Would You Believe It?” (more of the archived research unless there’s a really great, YCMTSU story)


“Tech Day”  (as in Career, College and proprietary schools where I focus on facts that blow the ‘K-12 only’ myth away


“Fib O Meter” (An opportunity for us to be more interactive. Got a fact/fib about CCSS? We’ll rate it on a scale of total BS, some BS or no BS.)


“Sic ‘Em” Day (Strategies we can share to help each of our states out.) Also will be a time if you have a story you’d like featured or shared.

9 thoughts on “Weekly Blog Schedule

  1. Just found you from Truth in Education. I went to a meeting to arm local (Fairbanks, Alaska) parents with information against Common Core. Now I’m more concerned than ever.

    1. How may I help ease your concerns? Please feel free to look back through the archives, leave questions, suggest resources for Alaska that I can dig into to help.

  2. I am the Publisher of a growing weekly newspaper in eastern
    North Carolina — published every Thursday. We tilt conservative,
    but happy to print all points of view.

    Wonder if you might want to submit a regular column and/or
    news analysis regard status of Common Core in North Carolina.

    This would need to be written for the normal parent or grandparent
    who wants what is best for their offspring, but who is not
    knowledgeable re ongoing debate, etc.

    Thank you for your time.

    Jeff Aydelette, Publisher
    The County Compass
    Oriental, N.C.
    (252) 249-6035

  3. I am running for ND State Superintendent . The very pro-CCSS incumbent is now claiming to be anti-CC to defuse my campaign. My campaign is NOT just anti-CC, but pro fixing education. All info on CCSS would be appreciated. ESSA has a back door. If colleges ask for a CC aligned test, like ACT or SAT, the state must give it. Then they must keep the standards upon which that test is based and the textbooks that teach to that test.

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