Warrior “One Liners”
Want to end the federal overreaches in education?
Here’s a one-liner I’d love to see used, “Use the EXISTING legal statutes!”
informing and fighting back against education overreaches to save hearts and souls
Want to end the federal overreaches in education?
Here’s a one-liner I’d love to see used, “Use the EXISTING legal statutes!”
What we hear is only a fraction of the truth. Can we handle the rest? Brace yourselves.
Continue ReadingThere is NO better grassroots campaign to END the FERPA’s overreach of data mining. There is NO better time to join the fight to REPEAL ESSA!
Continue ReadingWarriors, to ‘bamboozle’ someone, you mean to confuse them. How horrible is it that the ESSA language and mandates are written to confuse these type of students who already face their own unique set of challenges?
Continue ReadingUnleashing more SEL on troubled teens will not be a solution. As far as the ‘credible’ research that SEL in ESSA actually is a good thing doesn’t come from a truthful base. It’s coming from groups tied to the CCSS Machine!
Continue ReadingA conversation starter for those in your circles of influence. All the tools you need to help challenge ESSA.
Continue ReadingThe CCSS Machine has turned both teachers and students into guinea pigs, will we let them experiment even more in 2017-18’s school year?!
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