Moving Along
FY 2019’s ‘public debt responsibility’ is set by Congress at $16.6 trillion dollars. Of that ed/labor is $90 billion.
Continue Readinginforming and fighting back against education overreaches to save hearts and souls
FY 2019’s ‘public debt responsibility’ is set by Congress at $16.6 trillion dollars. Of that ed/labor is $90 billion.
Continue ReadingThere’s only one Savior in life, and it ISN’T aligned workforce based education!
Continue ReadingSure, all jobs and skills sound and look great, but our freedom is the intended price we’ll be sacrificing. How? Along with all the CCSS Machine workforce based education (which is WHAT CTE is) comes predetermined career tracks, NOT free choice.
Continue ReadingA boost during the summer months is needed to keep us sharp and focused.
Continue ReadingJoin us in being a force to be reckoned with when it comes to saving our youth! Stop the scorning of your children.
Continue ReadingThis Independence Day, make your voice stronger than your drink!
Continue ReadingThe CCSS Machine is a notorious ‘tracker’ in education. It doesn’t care if you enjoy your journey. It doesn’t provide quality steals human dignity!
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