“Gridding” Education
While D.C. thinks ‘skills’ can build America’s economy, D.C. is forgetting it’s ‘killing’ academics in the meantime!
Continue Readinginforming and fighting back against education overreaches to save hearts and souls
While D.C. thinks ‘skills’ can build America’s economy, D.C. is forgetting it’s ‘killing’ academics in the meantime!
Continue ReadingSince ESSA was supposedly going to break down education for equality, why is the federal government working with the CCSS Machine to discriminate against students using education as the weapon?
Continue ReadingSpeak up, speak out! Don’t simply rely on those who’ve been in this War Vs. the Core for a long time. Work shoulder to shoulder.
Continue ReadingParents and Warriors, once your child is coded for health reasons, especially mental health. Specific types of codes then follow the student for the rest of their lives.
Continue ReadingWarriors, every time there’s a new registration form concerning data…
We know the CCSS Machine’s grasp on education cannot survive without technology. We also know the most common form of technology is the computer. Where there’s a computer, there’s data to harvest, transfer, and sell.
Continue ReadingSTEAM was stated as something which MAY work in education.
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