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Think the CCSS Machine only wants birth to 12th grade students? Nope, I found where grandma and grandpa are ensnared!
Continue Readinginforming and fighting back against education overreaches to save hearts and souls
Think the CCSS Machine only wants birth to 12th grade students? Nope, I found where grandma and grandpa are ensnared!
Continue ReadingOne question of concern for the tribal nations. Lots of anti CCSS Warrior answers!
Continue ReadingWarriors Against the Core, CHARGE! D.C. awaits.
Continue ReadingIn this final in-depth look at the massive amount of taxpayer money being requested to continue the CCSS Machine’s overreach into education (at all levels), we will see what portions of the almost $70 billion will go to post-secondary education. A part of Common Core, Career Tech Education, College and Career Readiness, I have researched […]
Continue ReadingUsually, on Thursdays, I delve into the CCSS Machine’s overreach into post-secondary education, but today I am focusing on the President’s Fiscal Year Budget request he has just given Congress. Why should, we, those opposed to Common Core, College and Career Readiness, Career Tech Education, and all the rest of the CCSS Machine’s grinding America […]
Continue ReadingThis Weekend News is an update to the continued Common Core/Career Tech Education/Aligned Apprentices efforts our post secondary students are facing. What can we do to fight this? How can we inform others? Read on, my fighters!! A White House “Fact Sheet”: Dated September 9th, 2015, this news release gives us several key pieces to the […]
Continue ReadingRepeatedly, I’ve written about the Workforce plans for the US that are wrapped up with CCSS (Common Core State Standards) laden Career Pathways. So, what would you say if I asked you to believe me when I say, Vice President Biden was given a big job to do by overseeing the workforce plans for America […]
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