Fib-o-Meter Friday: Pro CCSS Teachers, a Corporation, and an Advocacy Group

It’s Friday and we’re in for a treat! Today we have a pro CCSS set of teachers, a corporation, and an advocacy group all telling us how GREAT CCSS is!! Bring on the “Meter”!!! The video:  Step One, preparing to view it: If you’re like me, you’ll be ready to throw something by the time […]

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Sic’ ‘Em Saturday: CCSS, Progressives and PBLs

I have a ‘suppose this’ scenario for you…Suppose I wanted to take progressively liberal agenda, add Common Core and come up with something ‘wonderful’? What do you suppose the results may be? You’d get PBL (Project Based Learning). Now PBL has been around awhile, but think, what better way to move my ‘educational agents of […]

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FOM Friday: ‘KnowledgeWorks’ or Knowledge Quirks?

This past Tuesday, I wrote about the CCSSO (Council of Chief State School Officers) and their “lab states” for Common Core. Well, thanks to an avid Common Core Diva reader from AZ, I was pointed to even more that falls under the realm of the CCSSO.  So, let’s get the Meter ready… “KnowledgeWorks” This arm […]

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