Lab School: A New Choice
Warriors, once more, our States are listening more to businessmen and women, educrats from all political parties MORESO than parents!
Continue Readinginforming and fighting back against education overreaches to save hearts and souls
Warriors, once more, our States are listening more to businessmen and women, educrats from all political parties MORESO than parents!
Continue ReadingWhen will our States ever get the message: We the PEOPLE do not want cookie cutter education?!
Continue ReadingEvery school choice, every age, and, every community need to be on board for this to work.
Continue ReadingRobbing Hood needs to know this, ‘you can’t get blood from a turnip.’
Continue ReadingThis re-brand from P3 to ‘blending’ will only make the CCSS Machine’s trail seem harder to trace.
Continue ReadingThe march toward globally united education is narrowing its circle around us.
Continue ReadingWe won’t get another opportunity to save our education system, Warriors.
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