Chicken Or Agenda?
We know the CCSS Machine is a ‘rotten egg’ when it comes to education.
Continue Readinginforming and fighting back against education overreaches to save hearts and souls
We know the CCSS Machine is a ‘rotten egg’ when it comes to education.
Continue ReadingWhat ONE recently issued email about federal activity points us to: total control in education and OUR family.
Continue ReadingWe HAVE to protect children, absolutely, BUT, we HAVE to take back our communities.
Continue ReadingFirst of the lessons I’ve learned while on the road.
What will you learn?
Warriors, no matter where your students and teachers go to school, this indoctrination is ripe in our communities.
Continue ReadingWarriors, I hope you’ve been able to learn much during this series. In all, there are 7 articles.
Continue ReadingSure, the Constitution and some federal laws prohibit educratic overreaches, but tell Congress that!
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