Former NFL Player Wants “Christian Values” For Community Change, But Look At Globalists With Which He Is Partnered & The Unbiblical Things He Is Engaged In

Casey Crawford is a former Carolina Panthers player. However, as he has transitioned into a new line of work, Movement Mortgage, he is seeking to impact communities, but not necessarily with Gospel approach. In fact, while he claimed to be advancing “Christian Values”, the reality is that he is teaming up with globalists and his […]

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The Push Of Artificial Intelligence Into Every Aspect Of Our Lives

The federal government continues to advance its usurpation of power in the area of education by pushing artificial intelligence, but they aren’t stopping at education. They plan to implement all the Sustainable Development Goals of the anti-American, Anti-Christ United Nations via AI. The Common Core Diva Lynne Taylor joins me in this episode to provide […]

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