Tech Thursday: P-Tech; It’s Here, It’s Now, and It’s Part of the P3, CCSS Machine

Maybe you live in NY or CO and have heard of “P-Tech”; maybe you live elsewhere and have heard of it. Maybe it’s a new term for you. However, either way, it’s still more CCSS and CTE (Common Core State Standards and Career/Technical Education). Join me today as we discover just why the current President […]

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FOM: A “New” CCS (Coalition for Community Schools)

The “Fib-o-Meter” is back and ready to bust open the fallacies, fibs, half truths, or whole truths about the OTHER CCS (Common Core Standards). Today’s look is into the IEL (Institute for Educational Leadership) and its CCS (Coalition for Community Schools). Is it tied to the Common Core? If so, how? Is it part  of […]

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Sic’ ‘Em Saturday: Using Community Colleges for More ‘Core’

It’s not new news that community colleges are Common Core aligned via either their ‘dual enrollment’ courses (which serve high school students) or the Career Pathways/Career Clusters tracks. However, I have found a new document that gives 21 ways to make the bonds of the CC even STRONGER. SREB, Southern Regional Education Board: “The Southern […]

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FTF: CCSS ‘Pearsonites’, at Your Higher Ed Campuses Now!

Common Core Warriors, have you taken a stand against some of the P3 (public, private partnerships) yet? I hope after today’s “From the File” Tuesday, you will! The Club: Over on Twitter, it’s the “Pearson Students”, especially their “AcedIt” campaign. (see the photo above) On the Internet, it’s also “Pearson Students”..tag line, “Join Pearson and […]

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