Weekend News: College, Career Readiness Updates

Warriors Against all things connected to Common Core, this weekend’s news will give you an update on CCR, ‘college and career readiness’. We know there are ‘CCR Standards’. What else can we learn? What defines ‘college, career readiness’? If we look at the pro CCSS parameters, CCR (college, career readiness) is: 1) “With the growing […]

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Monday Musings: Supportive Acts to Back the Initiative

Much has been written lately about the S1787 (Senate Bill 1787) which is to continue to implementation/support of the ‘Community Schools’ overhaul.  This means, the neighborhood schools you know as they are NOW will be laced with the Common Core Initiative (meaning it will be not just the Standards being embedded,  but ALL the other […]

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Tech Thursday: Career Pathways Meet Competency Based Pathways

Just released a day or so ago,  an article describing how Achieve, Inc (a huge part of the CCSS Machine) and the NASDCTEc (National Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education Consortium) joined forces to complete their look at how the progress between Career and Technical Education and Competency Based Pathways was coming along. […]

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