Schooling System - Mindspace Mind Grabs UK

Schooling System – Mindspace Mind Grabs UK

The book much of my information came from: (Especially Chapter 6, as far as an educational tie) All my articles on Social Emotional Learning and how they tie to the UN’s SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals): The UK Dept. of Education’s main website: The Funding information: “High Needs” education data [ […]

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Global Citizenship - No Way!

Global Citizenship – No Way!

Global citizenship is NOT an ideology to which anyone should subscribe. This nefarious agenda is being trotted out to the people as the way to some utopia where all problems, such as poverty, hunger, etc., will be solved if we just all come together and consider ourselves a global citizen. The main targets of this […]

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After School With Satan? Where Are The Christian Warriors?

After School With Satan? Where Are The Christian Warriors?

As Christians have been led by hirelings in the Church to not fulfill the Great Commission in discipling the nations to obey all that Jesus the Christ taught, they have left a vacuum that has been filled and continues to be filled with every doctrine of devils under the sun. For years, we have been […]

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