It Isn’t Just Disney Other TV Influences Sexually Grooming Our Children

With everyone focusing on the debauchery involving Disney, particularly the Operation Mockingbird media, it’s easy to forget all the other TV influences that are being overlooked. The Liberty Belles take a look at the other TV influences in this episode, remembering when there were only 3 television channels with family programming, that promote gender bending, […]

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Bombshell! Lent Goes SDG

The Liberty Belles Published March 19, 2022 As we observe Lent 2022, The Liberty Belles take a look at the alignment of God’s Word to the CCSS (Common Core State Standards) Machine. It was claimed, early in the rolling out of Common Core, that it would reduce the ‘deep and widening gaps’ happening in learning. Quite […]

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Looking Back At 2021, Planning Ahead For 2022

It’s been an informative and crazy year. As we approach the end of it and look forward to what is ahead, the Common Core Diva Lynne Taylor joins me in this Rotten To The Core episode on The Sons of Liberty to highlight some of the information we’ve covered in 2021 and what is in […]

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