Tech Thursday: “Career Passports”, Seriously?!

Would you believe the movement to support the Common Core’s “Career Pathways” has come up with a ‘skills passport’?! Yes, indeed. I’ve got all the information you need to help fight this in your school…no matter if it’s somewhere in preK-12th OR in post-secondary education (which includes community colleges, public/private universities and colleges, for profit […]

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Tech Thursday: Just Say “No” to ‘NOCC’

Part of the CCSS Machine includes the “College/Career Readiness” movement. Today’s article will focus on the “Career Readiness Certificates” our students are facing. Maybe you’ve heard of these Certificates. They are available in bronze, silver, and gold. Some states even offer platinum levels.  What do these Olympic-like ‘badges’ offer? Let’s find out.   The 50 […]

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CCSS Follow Up System: More than Money Will Follow Your Students

In fighting the War Against the Core, we’ve all met those warriors who are great at sending tips to areas of the “Common Core” overreach into our lives. From an educational standpoint, we’ve seen the CCSS Machine usurp our schools; from a privacy standpoint, we seen the CCSS Machine ruin it. The damage is far […]

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Tech Thursday: Career Pathways Meet Competency Based Pathways

Just released a day or so ago,  an article describing how Achieve, Inc (a huge part of the CCSS Machine) and the NASDCTEc (National Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education Consortium) joined forces to complete their look at how the progress between Career and Technical Education and Competency Based Pathways was coming along. […]

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Tech Thursday: Part Two of the HEA, STEM, the Workforce, and America

Last we were ‘together’, anti CCSS Warriors, I was sharing with you how the Higher Education Act (of 1965) is set for a re-authorization sometime very soon. We were able to connect the dots between the purposed alignment between the pre-K to 12th grade and post-secondary levels of education. In the last article, you saw […]

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