States Get Graded CCR, Style!
How CCR is measured in your state. How it connects to the ESSA.
Continue Readinginforming and fighting back against education overreaches to save hearts and souls
How CCR is measured in your state. How it connects to the ESSA.
Continue ReadingUpdate on Connect NC and the CCSS Machine. Vote ‘NO’!
Continue ReadingWarriors Against the Core: In today’s “Tech Thursday” article, I will be taking an in-depth look at the ‘College and Career Readiness’ so interwoven in the ESSA. How does it connect to the Common Core? History, updates, resources, and much more information you need to know. You recognize CCR, right? The College and Career Readiness that […]
Continue ReadingIn the shift from one federal education law to another, we need to know how the CCSS Machine is going to pay our teachers. More specifically, how the ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) will reward, or punish, them.
Continue ReadingUsually, on Thursdays, I delve into the CCSS Machine’s overreach into post-secondary education, but today I am focusing on the President’s Fiscal Year Budget request he has just given Congress. Why should, we, those opposed to Common Core, College and Career Readiness, Career Tech Education, and all the rest of the CCSS Machine’s grinding America […]
Continue ReadingLook into the ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) for all the digital parts of education via College and Career Readiness (the new ‘Common Core’ name). (*Note: in the ESSA, ‘Standards’ is innocently stated as “Challenging State Academic Standards”). Why do I point this out? The law (ESSA) uses both phrases for education!
Continue ReadingIn my final installment for the anti CCSS School Board Special, I want to thank each and every one who has shared this news with a candidate. Regardless if we know a candidate who is seeking an office on our local school boards, state level education departments, or any other position connected to education, This […]
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