Warrior “One Liners”
Want to end the federal overreaches in education?
Here’s a one-liner I’d love to see used, “Use the EXISTING legal statutes!”
informing and fighting back against education overreaches to save hearts and souls
Want to end the federal overreaches in education?
Here’s a one-liner I’d love to see used, “Use the EXISTING legal statutes!”
We know the CCSS Machine is full of tricks. We know ESSA is no gift of greatness for our education system.
Continue ReadingWhat we hear is only a fraction of the truth. Can we handle the rest? Brace yourselves.
Continue ReadingWe know the CCSS Machine’s grasp on education cannot survive without technology. We also know the most common form of technology is the computer. Where there’s a computer, there’s data to harvest, transfer, and sell.
Continue ReadingSTEAM was stated as something which MAY work in education.
Continue ReadingESSA’s language and mandates gave the U.S. Dept. of HHS more ‘jurisdiction’ in education. Meet some ‘new’ players in education reform.
Continue ReadingThere is NO better grassroots campaign to END the FERPA’s overreach of data mining. There is NO better time to join the fight to REPEAL ESSA!
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