NAEP Scores: Blame COVID or Common Core?

NAEP Scores: Blame COVID or Common Core?

Lynne Taylor has been recognized by her peers as an expert in Common Core, Career Tech Education, Career Pathways, workforce and competency based education reform, social emotional learning (child abuse) STEM/STEAM/STREAM from the UN, and federal overreaches into education and our families. Her work has been recognized and honored by Charlotte Iserbyt, legendary education whistleblower. […]

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Education: COVID’s Jackpot!

Anti Fed Ed Warriors, there’s been much talk about opening schools/not opening them. So much, it can make your head spin. We’ve seen main stream media continue its ‘the sky is falling’ attitude. We’ve even seen more independent media fawn over the current Adminstration’s view on this topic. We’re seeing parents become bored, frustrated, impatient, […]

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Sons of Liberty Media

Near Peers They Are Coming For You

Articles, links, bonus videos mentioned in this episode. Defining a ‘near peer’: 1) From the website, the 5/15/24 announcement: 2) The YouthCorps website: (Note the newness of the website, the future plans, etc **The first attachment is the ‘game plan’ for the YC’s Mental Health ‘task force’. See how this ties to neighborhoods […]

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