Anti Fed Ed Warriors, it’s been a busy past couple of weeks for me. Lots of interviews! I’m encouraged that so many are ‘waking up’ and seeing that the educratic manipulation HAS to be wiped out.
As we’ve covered, here on my blog, and on air; the manipulations are mainly found in SEL or Social and Emotional Learning. We’ve also been able to prove that EVERY subject or course will have SEL intertwined in some way.
The goal all along has been to condition all of us, not just public schooled K-12 students, that OUR personal attitudes, values, and, beliefs are NOT ENOUGH. Somehow, our minds must be retrained to accept that the UN-to-DC-to-Your State-to YOUR town-to-YOUR HOME, control is the only way to really be a good citizen. If you’re not sure about this, look at our local communities and States campaigns to create mass manipulation.
Warriors, we do NOT need our government, or any entity to become our nannies! Especially when education is the #1 tool to usher this in!
Again, this is NOT reserved for public schools at any level, even homeschool curriculum is embracing the manipulation. How? For the most part, these families use the same resources as public school students. As do many faith based or church housed schools. Charters, do as well. Hybrids, on-line, and dual or concurrent enrollment.
As I’ve stated for years, the ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) told us that ALL education had to be aligned to the same thing! That in and of itself was a huge MANIPULATION in education. Also included in the ESSA was a massive increase in SEL! Another manipulation tool! It was also written as a ‘good thing’. How? The title of the unconstitutional law spelled it out! Every Student Succeeds!
Warriors, here’s the article link where you’ll find this image. In that article I showed you a (then) current Congressional Bill for student success via mentoring. However, these 60 ways embedded in ESSA, didn’t simply come from America, no, many of them are found in the (United Nations) UN’s Comprehensive Mental Health Plan!
Are there any similar Bills in Congress now which would include more mentoring/manipulation?
Yes, the former HR 804, Transition to Success Mentoring Act (116th Congress; sponsor, Rep. Carson) is not in the 117th, by that name or that Representative.
I did, however, find that there are 4 Bills in the 117th, with similar intent.
HR 614 would have us hire more school counselors to mentor troubled youth in Title One schools to prevent the drop out rate. The manipulating factor here is HOW the counselors mentor. Back in Pres. Obama’s days, he issued a school counselor initiative. The goal? Guide students to their Career Pathways courses. The other manipulating factor of HR 614 is that. per ESSA, ALL schools became Title One schools! Under former Pres. Trump, we saw the administration use Ed Flex Waivers to attach to children’s Medicaid funds, also funneled through education (includes services).
So, should we be surprised the Biden Administration is carrying the torch?
HR 3083 is the Foster Youth Mentoring Act. This Act would either establish or expand mentoring programs for ‘at-risk’ youth. Supposedly, according to Congress, there are over 8.5 million children in the US without caring parents. As I’ve shown you, in past research, the ESSA definition of ‘at-risk’ was expanded to encompass ANY child outside public education NOT meeting government standards, as well as those within the public education system who weren’t ‘measuring up’ as the government saw fit. This manipulative pattern isn’t going away. HR 3083 is proof. If you’re curious as to the ‘foster’ reference in this Bill? It’s that the school counselors must have experience working with foster children.
The last 2 Bills centering on mentoring are S 1696 and HR 3342 (Youth Workforce Readiness Act).
Warriors, while these 2 claim that are not identical or related, they DO share the same name AND intent.
“To establish a competitive grant program to support out-of-school-time youth workforce readiness programs, providing employability skills development, career exploration, employment readiness training, mentoring, work-based learning, and workforce opportunities for eligible youth.“
What’s ‘out of school time youth’ mean? It means those students who are enrolled in school, but it’s after school hours or anytime the schools are closed. According to the CCSS Machine member organization, the Wallace Foundation (Rand Corporation is also featured) Report on the values of out-of-school programming is very clear on the intent: streamline and manipulate education using SEL and workforce readiness for a totally productive member of society. Congress and the political system like to call it ‘return on investment’.
Warriors, the image above is from my 2018 article, “Steady and Ready”. It detailed how the P3 (public private partnership) group, Forum for Youth Investment (tied to Gates Foundation) sold politicians on a mere $30,000.00 ‘investment’ in each child in the politician’s district could breed workforce readiness. This, in turn, would enhance each politician’s district, thereby, enhancing his/her chances for re-election. This, my followers, was not a new idea or practice, but it was the first time I had seen it stated so coldly. Go back to that article and you’ll also see how it tied to the (European Union) EU’s “Youth Guarantee” program. A program which the UN loves.
One last note on S 1696 and HR 3342: the developmental SEL manipulation, in the name of ‘good’, will attach to BOTH formal and informal learning, across the board.
Higher Ed Manipulation For “Good”:
Warriors, as we know, the ESSA was attached to not only the WIOA (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act), but the HEA (Higher Education Act) as well. Going along the lines of education manipulation for the ‘good’ of the agenda, check out this short UN created video called “The Little Green Book of Nudges”. Below, is the list of US higher education institutions which have bought into the UN agenda for this nudging.
- Elon University (USA)
- Daemen College (USA)
- Champlain College (USA)
- Furman University (USA)
- Pikes Peak Community College (USA)
- Pacific University (USA)
- Lehigh University (USA)
- Bard College (USA)
- University of Rochester (USA)
- Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth (USA)
- Bridgewater State University (USA)
- Fordham University (USA)
If you wish to download and read the full “Little Green Book of Nudges”, go here.
According to the UN, and several supposed experts of the mind, nudging is a great tool of positive encouragement. However, nudging also has a very negative side. Have you ever seen someone on the edge of their emotional limits? You know that a nudge, at this point feels more like condemning or pressure. Same thing for someone who may literally be on the edge of building, ready to jump off.
Nudges are NOT always good or bad. We must take into account, the type of manipulation I’m describing; it doesn’t really take into consideration, our different needs; no, it seeks to lump us all together to be micromanaged by soulless authorities who only want to control us. Why is this? Because in this educractic mind-bending agenda, most of the nudges will NOT come from health care professionals who understand when and how to properly encourage us on, but politicians for a greater good in society!
It’s here that we MUST expose the agenda to be psycho-controlled by politicians, not embrace it! Nowhere in our US Constitution or any other countries does it state that mind manipulation is a government service or right.
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