**Author’s Note: An in-depth report on S 406, the White House, Congress, and globalizing education expressly for workforce needs in a nanny controlled environment.**
Anti Fed Ed Warriors, have you heard of S 406? It’s a federal Senate Bill which just passed the Senate floor. This means the next stop is in the House. What does S 406 do?
It isn’t what the Bill ‘does’, it’s what it creates..more federal control over us.
S 406 “Federal Rotational Cyber Workforce Program Act of 2019”:
This “Act” will create an executive agency filled with a “Chief Human Capital Officers Council”. The ‘cyber’ portion refers to the federal employees overseeing cyber security, data collection, and all that intersects them.
S 406 also embeds 2 previous laws.
The Chief Human Capital Officers were ‘created’ in an Act from 2002.
Warriors, what do these Officers do? (I’m calling them the ‘HC Police’ or “Human Capital Police”.)
Basically: set a workforce development strategy; assess people and plan their future in the ‘policing’; align human resources to meet the ‘outcomes’ of the strategy; use ‘best practices’ and ‘benchmarked standards’; ‘measure the police’s intellectual capital’ and link data to performance and growth of their position.
If that sounds a bit confusing, think of it this way, those who are policing us have to be just as aligned and tested as our students. The biggest attraction for the “HC Police”? A love of data and computers. Which leads to ‘coding’. Cybersecurity thrives on coding.
Warriors, ‘coding’ is a tool of the CCSS Machine for students as young as preschool:
(Original source, added emphasis is mine)
If you cannot read what’s in the red box, “Preschoolers are digital natives, they don’t know a life without smartphones, tablets, and computers; or cartoons on demand.” This website goes on to state that ‘coding’ isn’t just for older kids, and introduces the subject as a game.
Since coding exists to breed all kinds of workers who will track us to no end (aka ‘cybersecurity’, “IT”, etc.) there had to be a law for this special arm of the CCSS Machine’s agenda.
The Cyber Workforce? A 2015 Law ‘created’ that.
Warriors, what does the existence of this law do? First, it was embedded in a budget (appropriations) law. Secondly, it set up a national initiative for cybersecurity education.
Third, because it’s a federal law which hasn’t been repealed, it’s active in 2019.
It embedded ‘coding’ as a way of life in education AND jobs. You’ll find ‘cyber’ is embedded in the budget law 428 times. ‘Education’ is embedded 280 times. Where the two intersect is in Section N. Pages 695-797 will show you the 14 ways in which education and the U. S. Dept. of Education were mandated.
But, wait, don’t we need protection from hackers? Isn’t that the main goal of cybersecurity? Warriors, protecting us from hackers is a goal, but not as much of the main goal as we’ve been told. Here’s what else this Cyber Workforce Assessment Act set us up for:
a) Cyber Corps Scholars (and scholarship programs) Ties it to the NSF (National Science Foundation) and the National Intelligence agencies.
b) Funds for cyber (on line) upgrades under ‘school improvement’, ‘school safety’, ‘education tech support’, redesigned schools, ‘safe schools’ and Project SERV
c) Will use SSI funds (tied to Title 1 and IDEA funds/programs)
d) Will use funds for health care (also ties to ‘c’)
e) Will track and involve the IES (Institute for Educational Sciences)
f) Impacts the Information and Education Exchange Act. This 1948 law is still in existence and set the framework for international information partnerships. Those partnerships in 2019? Data sharing across the globe! (See the section below for more information)
g) Forces all federal agencies directly involved in security or related to security to be involved in data sharing and collection. Said data will be available to third parties and private contractors of the agencies choosing.
So, since all this was previously set up, how will the 116th’s Congress Bill (S 406) increase any or all of the laws above?
From the ‘HC Police’ stand point:
a) Rotates who’s watching us and tracking us.
b) Spreads the HC Police across all fed agencies.
c) The agencies determine position for HC Police within their domain.
d) All involved determine the level of watching/tracking.
e) U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security dictates all policies and procedures (updates as needed, if needed). Parts of the policies and procedures are Career Tracks in education (all levels).
f) Uses ‘accountability’ (tracking and assessments) to be transparent.
g) Fed agencies can partner HC Police and set policies/procedures.
h) Locks in merit based employment for each rotation (180-365 days).
i) Reports activities to GAO (Gen. Acct. Office). If GAO deems program a ‘success’ HC Police rotations may be extended.
j) Will assess HC Police for proficiency in IT and skill levels completed.
k) Gives a ‘sunset’ of 5 years from time of the Act becoming law. (Means ending in 2024)
Okay, Warriors, ask yourselves this: the U.S. Government has already set us up to be spied upon via the Patriot Act, FEPA (most recently). It’s been proven that the government is a TERRIBLE privacy keeper when it comes to our data, so HOW will having national HC Police improve our privacy? Quite frankly, it won’t improve our privacy at all. It WILL confine us even more..and it’s in the House of Representatives for their tweaking or approval!
Think how the AI and 5G technologies are already ruining education, as well as our nation.
A Blast From Our Past:
The 1948 Information and Education Exchange Act (aka the Smith-Mundt Act). If you do a general internet search for the S-M Act, you’ll see that it’s basically a propaganda law for public diplomacy. However, knowing what we know about global education overreach, look what I found from the “Information and Education Exchange Act”:
“Information service to disseminate abroad information about the US”
“Educational exchange”
“Interchange of persons, knowledge, and skills”
“Rendering of technical and other services”
NOTICE Section 3!!!
Warriors, the Information and Ed Exchange Act (S-M Act) was updated in 2012. The amendments made to the 1948 version only impacted broadcasting and free speech. Section 3 remains; as do the information and knowledge combined with technology. Section 402 is also still as it was from the original.
So, the S 406 (116th Congress) gives us a window of 5 years, which means 2024. Is there a global education significance involved?
Below is a screen shot from one of my 2017 articles about the US being ‘graded’ on their adherence to the SDGs.
Warriors, SGD #8 is ‘decent work for all’. You won’t see ‘work’ or ‘jobs’ below, but jobs and work are woven into what you do see:
A Crystal Ball Future?
From the AP and Business Wire, this 2018 article lays out for you that yes, by 2024, the global data giants will have complete control of the ‘information sharing’. Yes, Warriors, these global data giants already have a great deal of control, but it will only increase. How and why? Innovations and coders to implant the innovations. The US is among the regions included in the research.
Those data giants included (not limited to) in the Research Report the article tell you about are:
Apple, Inc
EdX (on-line colleges/universities and their courses) Features Harvard and MIT.
Byju’s (ties to Chan Zuckerburg’s Initiative) An on-line learning system for higher education high stakes assessments.
(*Note: the Research company wants you to purchase the entire Report. Prices start at $3,500.00 and go up. You can read a general overview for free. Be sure to click on “Table of Contents”. All the education alignment is in Chapter 6.)
On the AI (artificial intelligence) spectrum for the future:
(Original source, emphasis is mine)
We can’t leave out the U.S. Dept. of Education’s forecast for education by 2024:
By the way, Warriors, IHS Global, Inc. is mentioned 21 times in this Report.
If you’d like to see the 2018’s U.S. Dept. of Ed predictions for education by 2026, go here.
Briefly, by 2026-27 school year: 2 percent increase nationwide in school enrollment for PreK to 8th grade; 8% increase in high school; 33 million teachers; 5% increase in high school graduates; cost of education (taxpayer burden) $670 billion (19% increase); and the cost per pupil: $12,900.00.
The PISA (Program for International Skills Assessment) for 2024 is already in the planning stages, Warriors. The focus? Science and digital technology.
What about NAEP (National Assessment of Educational Progress)? Here’s their assessment area focus.
You can see the National Governor’s Board NAEP focus areas for every year up to 2024, here.
The Human Capital “Forecast”:
Well, we’ve seen what Congress is up to, read what the CCSS Machine is predicting about education and the all encompassing aspect of the UN’s SDGs in it all, so what’s the future of ‘human capital’?
(Source; note that this 2015 article laid out the 4 pillars used to measure ‘human capital’.)
SHRM (Society of Human Resources Management) is a US/global group founded in 1948 (same year as the Information and Education Exchange Act/S-M Act). While I couldn’t find evidence of a direct connection, it’s not hard to see how ‘human resources’ and ‘human capital’ are intertwined.
(Source for event sponsors )
(Source for scholarship sponsors)
The Forecast you see in the screen shot is from 2013 and was predicting workforce and human capital up until 2024. There is a more recent Report, as well. However, I wanted you to see a few things in the 2013 Report.
1) look at the title highlighted in red (‘behavioral competencies’)
2) most of us will have to work well past the accepted retirement age
3) there’s a huge skills gap and jobs are being filled; most jobs are replacement positions (meaning when one person ages out, another, younger person steps in)
4) STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and, Math) in America isn’t stacking up to global counterparts
5) our economy will suffer tremendously if we don’t address 1-4.
As far as SHRM’s view on ‘workforce readiness’? You can find an entire tool kit for globally competitive skilled based workers here. If you’d like to see their 2017 State of the Society Report, go here.
Another Report (Deloitte Review) from 2017 states that we are aging, but we’re also learning more and spending more time being educated. Warriors, this is a subjective view. No, we are not seeing students learn more, we are seeing them forced to have education become workforce readiness!
The stark reality, is that ‘human capital’ is part of ‘lifelong learning’!
From 2010, this book detailed the vast amount of globalism America plans for and buys. You won’t see the U.S. Dept. of Education mentioned, but you will see the U.S. Dept. of Labor and its international membership. If you read the acknowledgements, you’ll see a few CCSS Machine member groups. Read the list of acronyms and you’ll find several more CCSS Machine member groups.
So, seeing that the U.S. Dept. of Labor is a member of the ILO (International Labor Organization), how connected to the UN/Global ed/labor agenda are we?
Warriors, the DW4SD (Decent Work for Sustainable Development) will impact American legislation AND policy. After all, the UN’s aim to indoctrinate workforce based education depends on policy changes. What are the changes? Have we already seen this put in place or will we see soon, especially with S 406?
1) better jobs
2) internationally aligned labor standards
3) social protection
4) sustainable enterprises
5) rural economy
6) informal economy
7) labor inspections
8) what’s unacceptable work
9) labor migration
10) employer/worker organizations
These 10 ‘planks’ fit within the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Warriors, education is Goal #4.
What are we to do, Warriors? Contact the House of Representatives and demand a ‘no’ to S 406!
We cannot settle on simply shutting down the U.S. Dept. of Education. The U.S. Dept. of Labor is JUST as unconstitutional!
DeVos’s G20 agreement calls for ed/labor to be merged. DC has also made plans to merge the two UNCONSTITUTIONAL departments.
***THIS fits precisely with, not only the UN’s SDGs, BUT the S 406 plans!***
From 1995:
Look at the previous plans for an ed/labor merger. Obviously, the GAO(Gov. Acct. Office) didn’t see a true ‘savings’, or otherwise, the merger would have happened.(Source)
From 2018, The ‘new’ ed/labor merger plan in visual form. NPR reported it as a money saving move. The White House sold it as a way to help the country improve.
Warriors, this still doesn’t END federal (or global) overreaches in education, it simply shuffles the deck. Instead of 2 unconstitutional federal agencies, one MASSIVE one.
Just after that White House news, Warriors stepped into action. There was a petition to halt merger plans! There was push-back!!
The image below is from that push-back:
Do you like that America is planning AND paying for globalization? Do you like seeing Acts like S 406 or other Administrative moves to ruin education?
If not, speak up, speak out!
6 thoughts on ““The HC Police””