Anti Fed Ed Warriors, what’s wrong with the picture you see?
Is it that ‘Workforce Development’ is eclipsing academics? In some circles BOTH are considered ‘education’.
However, in the shift the CCSS Machine has forced upon our nation, workforce development (aka: workforce based education) has become the sole focus in schools. Here’s what we should be seeing:
Workforce Development (aka: Workforce Based Education) ‘hides’ in the following educational ‘systems’:
Common Core State Standards, College and Career Readiness, Career Tech Education (which took the place of vocational tech), STEM and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and, Math/Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, and, Math), dual enrollment, early college, concurrent enrollment, fast tracked career courses, apprenticeships, internships, Career Pathways, Career Clusters, Career Tracks, and anything connected to all of/or a portion of these.
Workforce Based Education ‘hides’ with these education ‘delivery’ methods:
Project Based Learning, Competency Based Education (also called Competency Based Learning), Outcome Based Education (also called Outcome Based Learning), SEL (Social Emotional Learning), virtual learning, coding, career shadowing, competency based assessments, daily algorithms embedded in any STEM or CTE course/class, WorkKeys, Springboard, Aspire, GED (know called the “HSE”, High School Equivalency; the TASC, “Test Assessing the Secondary Completion”), any program, course, class, or extra curricular club with ties to the United Nations (accessible to all school choices), or anything connected to all of/or a portion of these.
The Executive Push Is Really A Shove:
Warriors, back in August of 2018, I wrote about the Strengthening CTE (Career Tech Education) for the 21st Century Act (Public Law 115-224). Here’s an excerpt from that article:
“So, once again, the CCSS Machine has been playing agenda word games with the citizens ever since then. Trouble is, most Americans are still remember education is as it used to be and not fully grasping the toxic changes being sneaked in under some familiar phrasing. Still more troubling is that there is almost zero ‘education’ happening in CTE (Career Tech Ed). It’s roughly 98% workforce training.”
Connected to this ‘new’ law, are the Presidential Executive Orders #13801 (2017) and #13845. The latter established a National Workforce Council. In the 2018 article (just above), I laid out for you much, much more information and research. Please refer to how toxic to education this new Council is.
Below is the effect this Council will have on our nation. You’ll see Executive Order #13801 cited. That’s no mistake. It was in that Executive Order that a council was step #6 of the action plan laid out. Executive Order #13845 IS step #6.
Following the Executive Order #13845, was a ceremonial pledge and commitment that over the next 5 years, over 200 companies and 6.5 million new education AND job training opportunities would be offered. (*Note: It was during this White House ceremony, the National Council members were first mentioned. Below, you’ll see I’ve referred to a Feb. 2019 Bloomberg article with those names. They haven’t changed.)
Enter Ivanka, Part One:
Warriors, if you’ve followed my blog long, you know I do not care what letter follows a politician’s name. The agenda is the same from BOTH major parties. Minor parties, also have the same agenda.
However, Ivanka Trump is not a politician. She IS an advisor. Ivanka Trump is a STEM disciple, as well. If you doubt her agenda leads to the UN (United Nations), I’m embedding all my articles with her involvement and overreach.
Workforce Development is her ‘baby’ in the DC Administration. In Feb. 2019, Bloomberg broke the news that the Council members were chosen. If you read the order, these members were hand picked by various federal agencies and offices.
Enter Ivanka, Part Two:
Just a couple of days ago,the National Workforce Council had it first policy meeting. Much fanfare was given to the great gathering. If you were look at nothing but Ivanka’s Twitter feed, you’d think America had hit the jackpot.
Warriors, that’s exactly HOW all this ‘lifelong learning for lifelong earning’ is being spun. One of the major problems is that the ‘lifelong learning’ is a code for “workforce training”. Refer to the cycle visual above.
As far as the ‘earning’? That depends. In a workforce based society (also called the caste system), very few get to keep their own wages.
If you’d like to read Ivanka’s prepared statement for the Council, find that here.
If you missed the White House live feed of the summation of the first policy board meeting of the Council, you can watch it here. If you’d rather read the written form of the remarks, you can read them here.
Below, I’ve provided you with a few visuals I know you’ve seen me use before, but fit what we are seeing being framed for our future. While you see OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) or others, know that the current DC shove in these directions is not by accident. It’s a systematic breaking down of our freedoms.
Then, if things continue to pan out in the global workforce system (as per the G20, UN, and a host of others) as they are so far in America, a merger between the U.S. Dept. of Education and U.S. Labor won’t be a dream, it will become a chilling reality:
To illustrate all this another way, look below, the National Workforce Council is combining States with federal direction for all ages to be trained. What you see below is already in place NOW.
What more of a hamster track will the Council place on the backs of innocent citizens to satisfy the economy? After all, look at the ‘outcome’: ‘economy’!
Warriors, I hope you see the depths of deception being played out in ‘real time’. This plan has been well thought out, well spun (as in all the great sounding buzzwords have been chosen), and not simply to be laid at the feet of one administration. We do well to teach our children not to lie, so why are we simply marking time while our leaders lie to us?
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