Will ‘They’ Live On?

From the Files Tuesday Monday Musings

It’s hard to believe we’re coming up on the 3rd anniversary of ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act), isn’t it.

Has much changed, my Anti Fed Ed Warriors, as far as the educratic overreaches? The honest truth: No.

We were promised those federal overreaches would be gone and in their place, real local voices and true local control. Again, the honest truth: hasn’t happened. Neither Congress OR the U.S. Dept. of Education has removed ‘fed ed strings’ (aka ‘fed ed money’)
I don’t know about you, Warriors, but I’ve met used car salesmen with more honesty than the ESSA sales pitch we got in 2015 or in every sales pitch since.

Will the 116th Congress be any different? No. That session, set to begin 1/3/19 and expire 1/3/21 appears to be JUST as educratically filled with BS than previous ones.

(By the way, DeVos’s 2018 tour was titled “Rethink School”. It was a carry over of 2017’s tour. At least those Secretaries before her had some originality. All lies, but still..)

Warriors, when the 116th Congress is sworn in, the Education and Workforce Committee will shift from Rep. Virginia Foxx’s CCSS/CTE Machine alignment to (more than likely) Rep. Bobby Scott’s CCSS/CTE Machine alignment.

Over in the Senate, the HELP (Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions) Committee will shift from Sen. Lamar Alexander’s CCSS/CTE Machine alignment to that of Sen. Patty Murray’s alignment (more than likely).

However, bear in mind that BOTH Alexander and Foxx will not be ranking members of the minority party. So, in essence, the Republicans and Democrats have merely swapped places in power, NOT dedicated themselves to righting the wrongs committed against our nation, especially in education.

As we know, the Democrats and Republicans will be split in the 116th, as far as power. However, as we’ve seen the political party doesn’t matter when it comes to educratic overreach. One is JUST as responsible as the other and NEITHER has repealed or recalled ANY of the other’s damage in education!!

Oh, and all the OTHER Congressional Committees? Will they overreach into education? Sure! They already have, so why stop now? Look above at the red font: “Educrats have NO business overseeing education and labor!”

Warriors, regardless if it’s the House or Senate, Republican or Democrat; education and labor have been purposefully embedded together in ESSA, in WIOA (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act), HEA (Higher Education Act), and countless others.

The CCSS Machine calls the intersection two things:
1) College/Career Ready (education aligned to workforce)
2) Human Capital (people)


Human capital concept in tag cloud

So DO the other Congressional Committees intersect education and labor? Certainly, in one way or many, it all interconnects. As we see above, the CCSS Machine sees it and Congress enacts it. Which is WHY we MUST be ready to fight back in 2019.

Why? Only one federal education law has yet to be re-authorized and when it is, it’ll complete the birth to death (aka ‘cradle to grave’) workforce prep the CCSS Machine needs. Know as HEA in the past, the 115th Congress gave it new names (just like ESEA* got a new name with ESSA). *Elementary and Secondary Education Act.

The House’s new name? The PROSPER Act. (HR 4508)
The Senate’s? Higher Innovation Education Act. (S 615)

Now, Warriors, there are several other House Bills and Senate Bills which seek to amend the HEA. But remember, every single one of them will expire Jan. 3rd, 2019 just as the new Congress is sworn in. Does that mean PROSPER and HIEA will disappear? Will all those other HEA amendment Bills disappear, too?

No, they’ll have to ‘die’ as 115th’s work and then be ‘reborn’ as 116th’s work. Think of it as the cockroach you can’t kill. It keeps coming back. It’s an old Congressional trick I’ve seen used many times in research. The agenda just keeps grinding on.

From one Session to another.

However, we AREN’T powerless to let this continue, Warriors!

This isn’t the December greeting you were expecting, but it’s high time we realize that WE the People do NOT have to allow Congress to keep the CCSS Machine supplied with legislation to rubber stamp the ruinous impacts of turning academics into workforce training. It’s WE the People who cannot allow Congress to continue to let illegally based federal departments dictate how we, as a free people will be conformed.

We also need to remember that our current President and his advisors are pushing the ‘workforce development’ like it’s the latest greatest invention and MUST be 100% accepted, no holds barred. As I’ve said before, “There’s only ONE Savior in life and it’s NOT workforce based education!”

How are they pushing it? President Trump just attending the G20 Summit in Argentina, mere months after Betsy DeVos’s G20 Summit trip.

As I reported to you at DeVos’s meeting, she signed a pledge on behalf of us taxpayers to commit US education to be streamlined for workforce prep. Ivanka Trump has been her partner in crime (quite literally when you factor in how the U. S. Dept. of Education is) on shoving workforce aligned education at us, especially for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math).

The trade agreement the President just signed (the NAFTA replacement, USMCA) will also play into streamlined workforce education. I reported on that in November 2018. The irony of the USMCA? Congress will have to vote on it..in after January 2019.

Also damning our educational system is more U.S. Dept. of Education activity to shove workforce aligned education down our throats. Recently, the MOU (memorandum of understanding) with the Swiss. How is the push being played out? Apprenticeships (which impact all ages and all school choices). Back in August 2018, I revealed to you how the President’s signing into law a Bill which increased apprenticeships (along with Executive Orders) was, in fact a death knell for our nation.

As I’ve shared with you before the EU (European Union) is hell-bent on globalized workforce aligned education. Just like the G20…and the United Nations (where all the globalized workforce shift away from academics is spear-headed).


Warriors, we MUST see the writing on the wall..it’s in our faces! WE must STOP Congress in 2019! We don’t need any Trump family member pushing the USA further down the globalization river.

We can’t allow ANY ‘powers that be’ to ignore us and help the CCSS Machine push us into the river of indoctrination of workforce alignment. It kills freedom, it kills our citizens. The price is too hefty, too unjust, and too toxic to everything America was created to be.

So, Warriors, what seeds of tyranny will we snuff out in 2019?!



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