If Agenda Could “Talk”

Would You Believe It Wednesday

Anti Fed Ed Warriors, you know I’m consistently sharing fact based evidence and resources for you to read, dissect, share, and use. From time to time, here on my blog, I’ve taken the liberty to give my opinion. Sometimes, I’ve even gotten creative and shared my thoughts in how the CCSS Machine is ruining us all.


Yes, it’s summer, this usually means some of us, as Warriors, are a bit more relaxed in the War Vs the Core.
However, I’m not one of those who does this.  I’ve given you truth upon truth about the agenda which seeks to take ALL students, regardless of age, where they have learned their education, and turn them into globally competent workers.


I know the truth is working, Warriors.

However, it’s not enough. At least from what I see.

So, today, I’ve taken a fictitious stab at ‘exposing’ the agenda among us. Like a picture’s impact which replaces a 1,000 words; fictitious tales can stick with us and impress our actions/reactions.
Think about how many of us still remember Orwell’s “1984”, or the “Jungle” by Sinclair. Most of us know Shakespeare’s words are still used among our language even today.

Fiction has often been used as a way to point out distress in relationships, reveal truths about misuse of government, and, so on.


Like roses turned black, is CCSS’s ‘hand’ in our lives.


I’ll warn you, the fictitious letter below, is ‘dark’ in nature. It’s supposed to be. It was inspired by a recent article featured on the KiddyFirst (UK based) article by Dr. Athena Staik.

Her letter is even darker than mine, but it’s about narcissism, not education. I encourage you to read her letter at some point.

The crossover to education really wasn’t that hard to come up with. If you’re not familiar with a narcissist, they can manipulative, an egotist, self-centered, or self-obsessed. As such, we find the CCSS Machine and all its member groups and disciples.

For context, the letter is penned by what I imagine as the workforce based agenda sounding like, as a person. It’s written by ‘him/her’ to all students and teachers in America.

As we know the workforce training agenda respects NO school choice or American citizen. It’s after us all.


“Dear Student/Teacher,

If I had to ‘come clean’ with you about my ‘end game’, it would be that you exist for ME. That’s my entire point in steering your devotion to what you think is ‘academic learning’.

I steer you away from your useless imagination, where you’re going those thoughts are petty. When my game is complete, your every thought will be centered on one thing:


My life’s mission is simply this: manipulating you into complete submission. Every time you hear ‘human capital’, that means my plans are working seamlessly. I make you work harder in ALL your school work. The harder you strive, the more I move the mark so you’ll never be truly successful. The more tests and assessments you take or receive makes you more enslaved to me. The more you fail, the stronger my grasp on you becomes.

                                     YOUR EXISTENCE FEEDS MY HUNGER FOR PROFITS

Your joy means NOTHING to me. Your ability to do as you’re told is all I need to support my peace of mind. My plans for you are this:

Your ‘need’ for math, doesn’t matter. How well you know the periodic table means ‘zilch’. I have complete power over your life every day. I don’t mind if you feel like a ‘cog’. I don’t need you to feel happy.
I crush your innocence under my every step. Your love of American history or fondness for classic literature disgusts me. My power is to train you to fill my chests with gold. I am SUPERIOR to you. I deserve all the GLORY in your demise. YOU are MY possession.


Every time you earn another digital badge, mark off another credential; you’re proving your real worth: WORKFORCE TRAINED MINION.

Those credits you think will be your ‘free ticket’ to personal success?! Hardly worth my energy. I hang these, along with other such trinkets, around my neck. These are trophies to me, of your childhood lost. These are the baubles to show my power of undermining teachers; as well as proof the global economy increases every second.

Yes, MY student/teacher, you ARE my minion. I will keep you on the ‘cradle to grave’ treadmill for the rest of your lives.

Remember, I said, ‘IF I were to come clean’. However, I have no intention of every revealing this to anyone. I will deny every word of this letter, if pressed. I will never stoop to the level of ‘loving you’. I am incapable of love. Where you will end up, love won’t be necessary.”

Your master,

Workforce Education, aka:
Career Tech Education
Career  Pathways/Clusters/Tracks
Learn to Earn
Trade Schools (for profit and not for profit)
Competency Based Education
Future Ready
21st Century Ready
College/Career/Life Ready
Choice Ready


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