Sic’ ‘Em Saturday: Post Secondary Makeover

Sic 'Em Saturday


Anti CCSS/CTE warriors, if you’re like me, you’ve noticed a distinct makeover of post secondary education and/or the education paths leading up to it, which are willing and able to align themselves to the Common Core Machine.

The question is, will we, the  OPPOSED to Common Core, speak up enough to raise awareness about the alignment of educating American students at the college level and beyond, as we’ve made in pre-kindergarten to 12th grade?

Speaking for myself, I’m going to make all the noise I possibly can! Why? No matter how old our students are, they shouldn’t be aligned to anything Common Core related.

Why This Matters:

For months now, I’ve given you, the anti CCSS warrior, tons of information that’s credible HOW our post secondary education is being remade to fit right along side the movement to transform our PreK to 12th grade education systems. I am far from alone in the warning about this. Yet, we still find the most ardent anti CCSS warriors remaining pretty quiet about what lies beyond high school for our students.  We must realize with the upcoming HEA (Higher Education Act) re-authorization, we can not afford to be quiet!

One of the most used  reasons I hear from anti CCSS Warriors, is that ‘the kids who’ve graduated can speak for themselves.’ While this is true,  an attitude like this in light of  the context of a realignment of American education is 100% dangerous. Yes, our older students CAN speak up for themselves. Yet, if they don’t KNOW about the Common Core movements to usurp American education as we know it, how can they speak up against it?! They CAN’T! More to the point, neither can we.

If we, as anti CCSS/CTE warriors don’t step up our conversations to include (not just  the little ones in our lives, but )the older ones being impact by Common Core or Career Tech Education, then we are doing a vast disservice to every student across our nation.

Imagine it as if you’re telling one child they are less important than another one. Bottom line: you won’t dream of saying it. However, every time we embrace a post secondary, Common Core alternative in the post secondary world, that’s exactly what we are stating! We must help ALL Americans learn where Common Core is lurking in every educational choices, so they can help others know what to look for AND stay clear of!

As our Action step for today, let’s commit to saving every citizen in America from a Common Core, Career Tech, Career Pathway, Career Cluster, or other named CCSS titled education. It’s the least we can do to preserve our children. 

If you’ve like to learn more about where the post secondary dangers of Common Core lie, please contact me ASAP. We’ve no time to loose.

Here’s the link to my 12 pages of post secondary Common Core alignment research and published articles. Almost every one of them points to not only, the public school students, but the special needs students, the homeschooled, the privately educated, the faith based students, those returning to the classroom students, and every one else.

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