In continuing to look back at the anti CCSS year so far, today’s article will share the best files I’ve been able to offer you in aiding your battle against Common Core.
In no particular order, here are the ‘files’ most important and worth sharing again.
American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education:
This info packed article from March, 2015 gave you an in-depth look at how aligned to not only Common Core, but, Career and Technical Education this group is. In it you’ll find connections to Pearson Publishing, Linda Darling-Hammond, Stanford University, and Sage Publishing to name a few pro CCSS supporters. You’ll also have access to the letter the AACTE wrote to Sec. Arne Duncan!
To access all the files related to AACTE, see:
AIR and the ‘Pathways To College’:
What do the massive data miners AIR (American Institute of Research) and an on-line library have in common? “Pathways to College” , as well as the Alliance for Excellent Education! You might recognize Pathways to College is very similar to those like ‘Career Pathways’, ‘College and Career Pathways’, ‘Career Clusters’, and ‘Career and Technical Education’. Yes, ALL of these names are connected to Common Core. The online library featured in this article from February of this year will also share with you how Horace Mann’s philosophy of education is tied in. You’ll also get to know much more about those high stake assessments, too!
To access this all important set of pdf files, see:
Our Students as Part of the “Talent Supply Pipeline”:
From January, 2015, here’s another article with Linda Darling-Hammond, Career and Technical Education, and what is known as “Adult Common Core”. Yes, you read correctly..’adult CC’. You’ll also note, as I’ve stated many times, that while all 50 states may not of adopted CCSS, ALL 50 states have Workforce training, Career and College Readiness plans. In this article, I shared with you North Carolina’s current status in all this as an example of what to look for in your state; the Adult CC Caucus information on a federal level was also revealed in this published article. There’s lots to delve into the learn all you can about the plans to turn ALL our students (regardless of educational choice or age) into ‘talent supply’ to churn down the CCSS/CTE/CCR (Common Core State Standards/Career and Technical Education/College and Career Readiness) pipeline!
To access the ‘game changer’ article, see:
The SBA and Common Core:
The discovery of the Small Business Administration and its ties to Common Core, set a few readers and/or followers aback with shock. I shared all kinds of news, findings, and documents back in February 2015. So just how is the SBA tied to the CCSS Machine? Funding initiatives, business ventures, and capital investments. You’ll see pro friendly CCSS corporations like Apple, Intel, and Hewlett-Packard.
To see how this federal agency is helping spread educational overreach, see:
Are there aspects about anything related to Common Core you’d like me to investigate to see what files are available? I’d be honored to dive into it for you, if you’d like me to. As you’ve been able to see from each of the articles above, I don’t tell you what to think, I point you to where to look so you can use what you need for your state’s fight in this war against the Core.
Reblogged this on donotmalignme and commented:
A must read for teachers and parents.
Wow! You read my mind! I’m meeting with my son’s 2nd grade teachers, principal, & a member of the school board on Monday, June 8th.
My mind has been running in circles with questions to ask. After calming down a bit, I began to realize, I need help!
My journey with CCSS began about 7 months ago. The great amount of knowledge I have gained through such a short period, has left me a little fuzzy in reference to sequence & importance of presenting my questions.
I would be so grateful for your expert advice on my situation.
Oh yes…just wanted to say, I am extremely thankful for The NCAFA. It was a great pleasure to meet you & others on this journey to defeat common core. God Bless.
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Extra Info.
Columbus Co.
2nd grade
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt