Big News, Everyone!! A “Rally in Raleigh” is happening soon! May 16th, the facts about Common Core will begin to be shared at 9:30 am. Rally ends at 5:30 pm. No admission is required, however, contributions are accepted (and needed). All contributions ARE tax deductible. The host group, NC Academic Freedom Alliance has recently been able to achieve a non-profit status! (no, Gates Foundation money will be sought out)
I’ve provided the details for you below:
Colliers International Building, 702 Oberlin Rd, Suite 400, Raleigh, NC, 27605 (not far from the campuses of NC State University and Meredith College)
Speakers: North Carolina Academic Freedom Alliance Co-ordinator, Don Watson
“LadyLiberty1885″blogger, Andrea Dillon
Retired Teachers, Kathy Young and Linda Harper
“Critical Thinking” Instructor, Gerald (Jerry) Egolf
The NC Academic Standards Review Commission Liasion, Kim Fink
“Common Core Diva” blogger, Lynne Taylor
Keynote address: Carmen Connors, NCAFA’s Director of Communications
****Attendees will receive a FREE booklet “How to Help Your Child Survive CC Math (While We Abolish It)”.
*******A Question/Answer Time is also provided.
What’s To Be Covered:
Facts about CCSS, Why Repealing CCSS is worth it, How to Repeal CCSS, and What to Replace CCSS with!!
If you’re within driving distance: load up as many cars and buses as possible and join us! As a “We The People” kind of group, all citizens are needed to make this effort grow, spread, and become a force to be reckoned with in our states!
What You Can Do in the Meantime:
Consider hosting what our co-coordinator has termed “KTM”, “Kitchen Table Meetings”. What’s a “KTM”? Here’s one of our retired teacher’s description, “These meetings can be in an individual’s home or a private meeting room, do not attempt to hold in a restaurant or public open place, too many distractions.”
Then follow up your initial “KTM” with “AEE” meetings (“Achieving Excellence in Education”) How will those work? Again, let one of the retired teacher’s describe them, “conduct monthly meetings to share “facts” about Common Core and the educational system in general and how to assist parents in surviving CC until it is Repealed and Replaced.
Who would you invite to these “KTMs”? It’s a great idea to keep it as local as possible, say within a 15 mile radius of your kitchen.
Remember, we do this not for ourselves, but for our students of all ages and educational choices!

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