It’s a great day to be preparing for the Twitter Rally tonight to take down the CCSS laden HR5 Bill. Yesterday I shared with you, from my extensive research what points to make AGAINST the “Student Success Act”. Today, however, I’m sharing with you what those who support the toxic bill have to say.
Support from Washington:
No surprise the Ed/Workforce folks want HR5 to succeed. Common Core via Career Tech Ed will become even stronger if the “Student Success Act” lives on.
From “Open Congress”, The Organizations Supporting HR5:
“Americans for Prosperity, Americans for Tax Reform, Agudath Israel of America, Concerned Women for America, ASSA: the School Superintendents Association, National Center for Technological Literacy, National Catholic Educational Association, National Association of Independent Schools, Association of Christian Schools International, Council of Chief State School Officers, Knowledge Alliance, and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops” If you’d like to see the many (and there are quite a few) organizations OPPOSED to HR5, visit:
It is very interesting to see some of the biggest CCSS supportive groups on this list. For example, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is listed as ‘opposed’. Another interesting note is that Business Roundtable is listed as ‘opposed’, yet, their website shows they are clearly in support of HR5. Here’s an excerpt, “Business Roundtable CEOs are very supportive of your efforts to reauthorize ESEA. We have advocated for reauthorization for several years now and are committed to working with you and the rest of Congress to ensure this legislation becomes law as soon as possible.” To read the rest (which I suggest as preparation for tonight), see:
A Little Fly Told Me:
Those of us fighting CCSS, know that the Fordham Institute can’t be trusted with its stance. It claims to be ‘conservative’, however, Michael Petrelli and crew have been caught on more than one occasion how they have mastered doublespeak. Their position on HR5? You really need to read their ‘GadFly’ blog article, Suffice it to say, they’re helping spread the misguided message of how local control will be given back to the states.
From the Catholic Bishops:
Knowing how many of my followers who are Catholic have shared with me how much they know their schools shouldn’t have CCSS, but yet do. So, to see the U.S. Bishops supporting HR5 was a surprise to me. Again, the misguided message of how local control, independence is given. See their supportive statement,
I think we can see where our strategy can be put to the best use tonight: exposing HOW local control is not the overall message of HR5. It’s overall message has nothing to do with your student’s ‘success’. It has everything to do with an agenda’s success.