Just when you think think you’ve seen it all when it comes to the mind-numbing ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) and the overreaches into our lives from the CCSS Machine…
Would you believe over $47 million each fiscal year from now until 2020 is ear-marked for federally overseen education for delinquents, ‘at-risk’, neglected, and/or those students heading to prison.
What’s the big chunk of change going to be used for? Behavior interventions (code for SEL, social emotional learning), programs for Promised Neighborhoods, and everything in between which connects these.
Where will you find this information in ESSA? ‘Prison’ is written into the law 4 times. “Incarceration” is used only once. ‘Delinquent’ is inserted 11 times. Page numbers will be listed below.
Incarceration is on Page 223 (ESSA’s Final Law version). It is in Section 4623. This section states that the U.S. Secretary of Education will use a whopping percentage of federal funds. These funds will be doled out, in the famous Washington, D.C. style of competitive grants to each State willing to conform to create (or beef up) Promise Neighborhood programs. Why? Because, a government run program will help cut down on how many students are sent to jail.
(*Warriors, I inserted ‘education’ at the bottom of the list. The original image is from RallyPoint.com)
A Promise:
Speaking of “Promise Neighborhoods”, Warriors, is that these were simply part of an initiative directly created by the White House AND now codified by law.
If you’d like my ‘collection’ of ESSA and Promise Neighborhood articles, find those here.
Another Promise Neighborhood/ESSA tidbit? They can be connected to Section 4623. Look below:
Getting To The “Captive” Education:
ESSA uses ‘Prison’ on pages: 180 (as part of Section 4108 “Activities to Support Safe and Healthy Students”),
291 (this is in the ‘cohort removal’ section which in also part of the ‘definitions’* in ESSA.), 293 (again, ‘cohort removal’),
339 in connection to the posthumous pardon for Jack Johnson.
*Definitions, if you’ve not looked at these, you should, Warriors. You’ll find longer school days as seen by the federal government; you’ll see what ‘expanded learning’ is as defined by educrats who wrote and voted on this Law, and more!
ESSA uses ‘Delinquent’ on Pages: 1 and 7 (where the ESSA’s Table of Contents are located);
Page 14 is where you’ll find the whopping amounts of money for ESSA’s commands to be adhered to. See below:
Page 53 you’ll see how there are to be ESSA education programs outside the school and not necessarily during school time hours for delinquent students;
Page 60 tells you how LEAs are to oversee the funds used for services for several sub-groups of students;
Page 99 is where Part D of ESSA begins. As you can see in the screen shot above, Part D’s activities fall under that $47 million plus funding.
Page 106 lays out the required terms of local flexibility demonstration agreement and how delinquent students fit into this. What does a ‘local flexibility demonstration agreement’ mean? Basically it the give/get system The government gives your State money to fund the schools and the States gets carry out the federal mandates. The money is calculated on a per-pupil basis.
On Page 179 mentoring and school counseling for all the sub-groups;
Page 190 you will see the sub grants given to the SEAs for the priority of reaching delinquent students (and other types of students).
Prison Reducing ESSA ‘Youth Promise Plan’:
Warriors, as we all know, anytime federal laws or bills use all capital letters to spell something, it’s an acronym. So, what does “Youth PROMISE Plan” stand for? It’s a Plan from your State to adhere to to ESSA . The Youth PROMISE Act has been introduced 3 times in DC. The last time was the 2015-16 Session. PROMISE means “(Prison Reduction through Opportunities, Mentoring, Intervention, Support, and Education)”
Rep. Bobby Scott (VA) was the main sponsor. Here is a quote from his announcement about the Youth PROMISE Act. “There is overwhelming evidence to show that children can move from a cradle to prison pipeline to a cradle to college and career pipeline. All the credible research shows that a continuum of comprehensive, evidenced-based prevention and intervention programs for youth at risk of, or involved in, delinquent behavior will greatly reduce crime and save much more than they cost when the avoided law enforcement and social welfare expenditures are considered.” (*Note: I’ve been looking for ‘all the credible evidence’. I did find the CDF, Children’s Defense Fund, resources on the subject. More below.)
Warriors, Rep. Scott also serves on the House’s Education and Workforce Committee. It is driving the bus for the CCSS Machine and its CTE (Career Tech Education).
In Rep. Scott’s announcement, he cited the CDF (Children’s Defense Fund) as a source for the ‘pipeline’ information. I looked up the CDF.
Wow, the agenda is right there in their 2016 Annual Report. Protect critical investments in education, meeting with the U.S. Dept. of Education, having a winter 2017 retreat where Rep. Scott was a featured guest, and committing to protect data mining. (*You’ll find all this in the President’s Address) CDF works with the American Academy of Pediatrics, the School Superintendents Assoc. (AASA), and other CCSS Machine member groups. (*Click on the highlighted links for my articles proving the CCSS Machine activities of both these groups.)
CDF is a big supporter of Head Start and Early Head Start. Both of these have been given the CCSS/ESSA ‘makeover’.
An interesting note about CDF, they’re under an unsatisfactory ‘warning’ by the BBB (Better Business Bureau) arm for charities (Give.org). Seems they are not as transparent as they should be.
CDF also has its own chain of schools. They are called “CDF Freedom Schools”. The pilot program was conducted in 2009 in Charlotte, NC. Among the history is an initiative called the ‘NC Building Youth’. Related, in 2011, NC’s Youth Task Force Report shows expansion of government programs targeting deliquent, ‘at-risk’, or heading to prison students.
If the CDF isn’t being transparent with its money, how transparent are they being with the ‘cradle to prison’ information, or the schools they run? How do they know a ‘cradle to prison’ can be replaced with a ‘cradle to career’ one? What evidence? What source? I did find one! The Gates Foundation grant to CDF in 2013 for establishing the Freedom Schools Teacher Institute.
Now, Warriors, let’s pause for a moment. We have a 2015-16 Act which has not been turned into law, yet it’s content for Youth Promise Plans appears to be embedded in ESSA!
From the NCEBC (National Council on Educating Black Children) a screen shot of important information. (*Notes: Rep. Bobby Scott is the NCEBC National Dean. The NCEBC is using the UNESCO definition for cultivating literacy in education.)
My 2015 U.S. Department of Justice eye opening article is here.
Related, a 2016 article of mine tying the U.S. Dept. of Labor and their “Youth Builder” Programs (very similar in nature to the Youth PROMISE Act) embedded in ESSA. When you look at the graphic for data mining at the federal Cabinet level, the U. S. Dept. of Justice will be near the bottom left-hand corner.
Rep. Bobby Scott’s newest Youth Bill for the 2017-18 Congressional session is titled
Opening Doors for Youth Act (HR 1748). Warriors, it has not only the remnants of the Youth PROMISE Act, but the global likeness of the EU (European Union’s) Youth Guarantee Program that has pushed in the past. This Bill is currently in the House’s Ed/Workforce Committee and has a huge bi-partisan backing! (*Note: on Page 6 you’ll see a study by the “Measure of America” is cited as a credible source for this Bill. Measure of America is part of the non-profit Social Science Research Council.
Funds for “Measure of America” come from the many members of the CCSS Machine. For example, the U.S. House’s Ed and Workforce Committee, the UN, The European Commission, and, Jobs for the Future! The entire list can be found on their website.
Some funds for the SSRC (Social Science Research Council) come from big CCSS Machine member/groups, too. The Ford Foundation (it’s backing of CCSS/CTE/STEM Apprenticeships can be linked to youth development.), Helmsley Charitable Trust, Hewlett Foundation (their money is earmarked for SSRC’s use in Congressional research), the Rockefeller Foundation, and a host of global groups! The 2016 Financial Statement will give you lots of information on what SSRC does (including education and data) as well as give you a list of the grant suppliers. That list is near the end of the Statement.
Warriors, make no mistake, I am not suggesting we do nothing to help troubled teens in America. However, I do believe, with my entire bevy of research, that guiding those students to a better way of living should be TOTALLY void of the CCSS Machine’s globally tied workforce/education alignment.
Unleashing more SEL on troubled teens will not be a solution. As far as the ‘credible’ research that SEL in ESSA actually is a good thing doesn’t come from a truthful base. It’s coming from groups tied to the CCSS Machine! (For example, this group is pleased as punch to partner with “New America”, but New America is funded in part, by the Gates Foundation! Oh, and the group working with New America is the National Institute for Early Education Research, ANOTHER CCSS Machine organization!
Also backing more SEL from ESSA in our classrooms is the NEA, a large global/CCSS Machine member group. Their statement on these type of youths most ‘at-risk’? SEL builds resilience.
As far as the CCSS Machine sees it, all this is good and proper because it expands the ‘student success’ and is aptly justified for juvenile/young adult ‘outcomes’.
The way the Anti Fed Ed Warriors should see it, these are just more ways to control citizens, expand government, and, continue a cycle of pain.
What would be more interesting to find out is WHO writes these bills? Who wrote ESSA? To this day no one has been able to find that out. I can tell you it was not the legislators that are sponsoring these bills. Lamar Alexander had nothing to do with the writing of ESSA but WHO DID? ALEC? Bill Gates? WHO? I believe this was a draft bill and everyone and their cat added their pet projects to the end result. If parents continue to feed the beast the beast will continue to devour our children into this evil system. Any REAL Christian that continues to send their children to the public school system needs to open up their Bible and refresh their memory on who our God tells us is to educate our children.
From some of the evidence we CAN see, I believe the Education Strategy Group, the InTASC (CCSSO’s Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium), Gates Foundation, Pearson Publishing, and CCSSO’s Career Readiness Task Force are the most likely to have written ESSA. I am sure there are others yet to be named.