Mussolini once stated that ‘fascism should more appropriately be called
“Corporation” because it’s a merger of state and corporate power.’
Anti Fed Warriors, nowhere in America is this more visible than in education. Public private partnerships (P3s) are HOW fascism has been inserted into your communities in the name of ‘student success’. This is not a new topic on my blog, or in my research. However, a new program inserting EVEN more fascism is surfacing in West Virginia and more than likely will be visible in other States very soon, if it’s not seen already.
The program is called “Ascend WV (West Virginia)”. Private funds by a Big Tech corporation have been given to the State’s government to entice you and your family to move to WV to work remotely. The enticements include a whopping $12,000.00, ‘free’ State activities and access to State Parks, and, more. While this may sound like a dream come true, and believe me, the CCSS Machine would love for you to think that; the entire program uses some of WV’s ‘most educated cities’ to become your new home.
The Big Tech guru behind this program is Brad Smith from the Silicon Valley. He’s a member of the Silicon Valley Leaders Group. The Group’s Foundation is a non profit which impacts public policy heavily in many areas including education for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and, Math). If you look at the other members of the Group, technofascism is highly visible, as well as ties to the UN (United Nations). You can also glean that the Group supports CTE (Career Tech Ed) in it’s Hire program for community colleges.

If you don’t recognize Smith’s name, his company is called “Intuit” (Turbo Tax and Quick Books). Why did Smith choose WV? It’s his home State. However, that’s not the only reason. WV is, and has always been, noteworthy as a ‘poor’ State.
So, the Ascend WV is supposedly to boost the economy while giving you a cheap place to live. If you look close enough at the program, you’ll see that once you take the money, you’re on the hook to participate and comply.
WV’s Educated/Indoctrinated Cities:
Warriors, even if you don’t live in WV, you can find out what your State’s most educated cities are. “Only In Your State” website is the place to go.
That said, what are the most educated locations in WV? Ghent County is the only county listed. Cities are Bethany (Bethany College), Morganton (WV Univ.), Shepherdstown (Shepard College), Lewisburg, Cheat Lake, North Hills, Thurmond, Harper’s Ferry, and, Green Bank (Green Bank Telescope).
Morganton is the home of the West Virginia University. WVU is also houses the Center for Resilient Communities as well as being a Model UN. Warriors, Model UN Clubs are even available to homeschoolers. (*Note: The Center is almost ‘hidden’ within another part of WVU). If you look closer, you’ll see the principles of the Center are very agenda driven toward social justice in all types of ways.
As I’ve shown you before, social justice is tied back to the UN. It’s also worth noting that the Center was funded, in part, by the One Foundation. The One Foundation was created by a former Big Tech guru from Cellular One. Do you see the tone of ‘food justice’ and collectivism when you look around this website? I did!)
In 2020, Virgin Hyperloop chose WV as the center for certifying global hyperloop systems (rapid transportation). This Press Release from the Governor of WV bragged about the jobs for the 21st Century, economic boosts, technology and innovation, and, how education will play a huge part in this.
While you won’t see the words Career Tech Education (CTE) OR Science, Technology, Engineering, and, Math (STEM), they will be ever-present.
Part of the UN’s goal for alignment in the US is creating STEM in the first place! In my previous research, back in 2014, one of the first articles I published was the Report where this almost exact verbiage was used. The bait and switch was the UN knew if IT introduced this, we wouldn’t accept it, BUT if they got a US NGO (Non Government Organization) to create an acronym AND trot this agenda out about the time Common Core hit us, no one would be able to recognize that the STEM education was to create STEM jobs for STEM economy for STEM citizens for the greater global good.
Warriors, the CCSS Machine/UN is using the Ascend WV as a justification to be a savior to this rurally deprived area. The driving force for this justification/saving? It came from UN Special Rapporteur for Human Rights Philip Alston (per this 2018 WV article). Make no mistake, WV wasn’t the only State to be rated as ‘poor’. Alston has been able to influence many with his ‘findings’ and no doubt has been instrumental in pointing out that everyone needs to be on the same levels of opportunity or it violates their version of the Human Rights Declaration.
HOWEVER, the UN Human Rights Declaration is not superior to the U.S. Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, or God’s natural laws this nation was founded on!
As the State Capital, Charleston’s been receiving millions in private corporation funding since 2003 to interfere in education (among other aspects
of a supposed Constitutionally minded State). Related is the fact that ‘Smart Growth’ is expected, even in this rural portion of America. This article stated that having internet access is far more profitable (for them) and valuable (to you) than a highway! Taking into consideration that the entire point of the Ascend WV program is to pay you to move, only to stay indoors (at home or a community work space, which is one of the ‘perks’), why would you need to move there in the first place?! The CCSS Machine and Global UN agenda are ‘betting the farm’ you’ll be swayed by the money.
Warriors, as we know, it’s not about education, it’s about globalized alignment for indoctrination!
WV’s Resilient (Social Justice, Social Emotional Learning) Education/Indoctrination:
Warriors, tying up the loose ends to all this STEM/CTE, Smart Growth, economic savior complex is the dreaded word,
‘resilience’. As you know, I’ve written extensively on this, as well as made videos for social media, AND, given several interviews
on the topic of ‘resilience’. In a short summary the CCSS Machine, with help from the UN, WHO, World Bank, the Rockefeller Foundation, and many others, this is another type of manipulation via education for ‘mentally healthy communities’.
When you look below, don’t miss the lower right-hand corner’s language.
So, where’s WV’s ‘Resilience’ meeting education? Hang on, it’s based all on the UN’s findings! What’s more is that the Christian based “World Vision” is also involved; along with other CCSS Machine member groups. Here’s an excerpt from the bottom of Page 2, “WV’s proposed Resilient Cities for Children Framework was inspired by several existing frameworks outlined in the Resilient Cities literature review; but particularly informed by UNISDR’s Making Cities Resilient Campaign, ICLEI’s resilient cities, Rockefellers’ 100RC campaign, UN–Habitat’s Cities Resilience Profiling Program and the recently released ARUP–USAID–Plan International–Sweden Government’s child–centered urban resilience Framework.“
In researching for this article, I found the regions our nation has been divided into for not only ‘smart’ growth, but resilience, too. West Virginia is classified in 2 regions, one is the Rural Communities and the other is in the Northeast. (*Note: be sure to scroll all the way down to the bottom to see the many US Departments using the ‘global change’ phrase.
Warriors, the above resource is using ‘climate change’ as the justification for resilience in EVERY aspect of our lives! From education, to health care, technology, infrastructure, your food, your water, and all that connects all of the above. It’s not that resilience is truly about mental health, it’s about CONTROLLING ALL WE DO.
Related Resources:
1) The interview where the document showing World Vision’s ties (as well as Samaritan’s Purse to the UN, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which encompass technology, STEM, CTE, resilience, education, health care, and, everything about our food, shelter, water, and, air.
2) The archived article I wrote about the Technocracy Party which is key to so much of this alignment we’re seeing. If you’re not following my fellow Warrior, Patrick Wood with his vast research in the technocratic events harming America, I urge you to begin.