Anti Fed Ed Warriors, here we are for article #5 in my September 2019 Workforce Development (aka Workforce Education) series.
So far, in the first installment, we covered the Senatorial Resolution (which the ENTIRE Senate agreed to support) declaring Sept. 2019 as “workforce development month”.
In Part 2, we covered how skill based education is killing academic based education.
Part 3 uncovered this workforce education shift is more about economics than personal freedom.
Part 4 showed you the global-to-federal-to-state-to-local chain of educratic BS supporting workforce aligned education.
So, what can I show you in Part 5? How the STEM/STEAM hype is 100% workforce education disguised as quality learning.
First, Some Background:
Warriors, if you’ve followed my blog long you know I’ve repeatedly shown you the proof that STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and, Math) is not American created (it’s from the UN, United Nations), nor is it intended for American education.
If you’ve not followed my blog very long, you’ll probable object to that last statement.
Believe me, I’ve heard from several anti CCSS Warriors, who will not accept that STEM is a tool for workforce prepped citizens carrying out every one of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). STEM is in the SDG Toolkit as the #1 change agent for our communities to align themselves to the ‘greater global good’.
So, since STEM isn’t American, how did it get inserted into education here? The term “STEM” is an acronym the NSF (National Science Foundation) coined at the UN’s encouraging, to market the agenda in a way that sounded like good education, but isn’t one bit. If you didn’t know this the NSF is a United States federally funded non-government agency. However, the federal power it carries out is tremendous. STEM was ‘rolled out’ about the time Common Core State Standards were. The ploy was to quietly insert them, so folks wouldn’t notice while all the attention was on CCSS.
So, where did STEAM come from? STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, and, Math) Standards were created in S. Korea, but, have been passed off as American created educational standards.
Again, just another way to have government control of education. As far as workforce development in STEAM, it’s just as menacing as all the other overreaches. Howso? STEAM’s agenda is to have a ‘preK to gray’ workforce.

Back in 2015, I gave you a 2 part article set on how the STEM agenda was embedded in WIOA (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act), HEA (Higher Education Act), what would become ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) legislation, and, was all about workforce development.
So, Why Is “Stalking” In The Title?
Warriors, I chose ‘stalking’ for a couple of reasons. First, to get attention for the article. Secondly, to illustrate that the dictionary defines a stem as a ‘main part’ or a ‘stalk’ (as in a plant’s formation). Think about it, STEM was forced upon us as ‘education’ but the main part isn’t education, it’s workforce! It’s a workforce for a STEM nation and a STEM economy, too!
If you’re curious how Wall Street feels about STEM/STEAM, look at the hype Dun and Bradstreet’s MDR division is putting out there:
(Source, added emphasis is mine)
If you’re curious as to how DC feels about STEM/STEAM, I’ve got plenty of evidence to show you how our previous and current Administrations fully support STEM/STEAM.
(*Note: that last highlighted link takes you to the U.S. Dept. of Education where you’ll see 7 federal education arms fully support STEM.)
Recently, Forbes published an article about the vital importance STEM education for a workforce is needed in America. When you read it, be sure to note the NFL cleats and that STEM is a part of the economic and social justice. That ‘economic justice’? That’s SDG #1 (end poverty). As we know, SDG#4 is quality education and SDG#8 is decent work for all. “Social justice” is woven into SDG#5 gender equality, as well as several others.
Warriors, can you see the ‘writing on the wall’? STEM is the change agent to have us conform, not remain free thinkers!
Warriors, how is a barely educated citizen supposed to survive in a conformed system?
Total dependence on the government, if the CCSS Machine gets its way.
“Educratic takeover of our nation is about 98% complete. Will others join us to save the remaining 2%? It only take a small number of emboldened citizens to fight back.”
Lynne M Taylor as Common Core Diva
Thanks to Karen B. for the picture. When I posted this and included the above quote, this is the response I got from Elaine M., a devoted follower. It is my hope you see some distinct ties happening now, which also have happened long ago.
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