**Special note: My thoughts and prayers to all those somehow impacted by Hurricane Dorian.**
Anti Fed Ed Warriors, I hope your Labor Day Weekend was a nice one. When I last wrote, I shared that during September, I’d devote it to the subject of workforce development in education.
Why? Because the U. S. Senate has declared (via a Resolution) that Sept. 2019 is “Workforce Development” Month.
What’s so wrong with that? Well, Warriors, for one thing if this were simply about your freedom of choice as to what type of job you had, that’d be one thing. But, via this Resolution and other pieces of legislation like it, we see the federal government using education as the springboard for embracing a global workforce agenda. How do I know that? Look below:

Warriors, from what I could find, this “New Man” Magazine is out of print. It’s also a Christian publication. Where did I find the information? This particular post available on Steemit concerning the evil behind the U.N. (United Nations). What’s interesting to me, at least, is if you go back and read Dr. Muller’s essays from the early 90s, you don’t see a harsh quote like the above image, but a theme of ‘peace’. If you read all of the essays, you’ll also notice his ideas about peace are agenda filled, not biblically based. If you’ve not seen or heard of Dr. Muller’s World Core Curriculum (which the workforce and peace are built into the education), go here.
If you have about an hour and a half, this 2016 video lecture also featured the Muller quote about steering children toward the workforce. The entire lecture is quite eye-opening, but to get to the remaking of our nation’s education, go to the 45:00 minute mark and listen. Especially at 45:48.
Since a barely educated workforce is the ‘new education’ Muller was promoting and Congress is embracing, is what we are seeing happen, it’s NO surprise that the CCSS Machine has used anything to convince us workforce prep MUST be included in ALL educational instances. For all ages, too.
Warriors, if you’ve not heard this song, I encourage you to listen and share. It’s called the OBE Song (Outcome Based Education). OBE is also known as CBE, or Competency Based Education. CBE is exactly what workforce prep/education is. No more, no less.
CBE/OBE is also known as CTE or Career Tech Education. Congress LOVES CTE. So does our President.
Warriors, I urge you to read the article I’ve embedded with the word “President”. Why? In it you’ll find all the ways ‘workforce development’ is hiding in plain sight throughout our education system. For ‘cradle to grave’. “Lifelong learning” is a trap.
While the S Resolution 304 cannot be overturned, we CAN contact our Senators and Representatives and demand they STOP supporting federal overreaches in education. We need academics, NOT workforce development, in our schools.
Warriors, all this month, I’m going to continue exposing the workforce shift in education. If you missed my weekly “Rotten to the Core” Wednesday interview, we kicked this theme off with looking at S Res. 304 and more.
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