Anti Fed Ed Warriors, before you know it, we’ll be in June 2019. Summer thoughts may replace school plans. Depending on where you live and where you or your children go to school.
Before we break out the bug spray and sun screen, let’s look at a few items which we should use as encouragement to soldier on in our War Vs the Core. After all, the CCSS Machine will not be taking a summer 2019 break.

A) ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) is still in place and hasn’t been repealed. It’s current status is being felt more and more every day. It’s future is also currently being considering for amending via individual bills in the 116th Congress.
B) We’re in election hype time. From now until the election in November 2020, to elect our President, and other leaders, we’ll be pelted with every kind of educratic BS possible.
(If you missed my entire series on the Presidential candidates and their education plans, go here.)
C) With the 2020 Elections and the 116th Congress, the last federal education law to be re-authorized, the HEA (Higher Education Act) will see passage unless we fight it tooth and nail. If you missed the House and Senate bills which will amend or extend HEA, go here.
D), Lastly, Warriors, with all of the above, the march towards globalism in education is firmly in place. How? The US’s continued ties to the United Nations (UN) and their SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).
Warriors, those things, by themselves, are plenty of mayhem to push upon us. However, there’s even more.
Warriors, here are some of the other things on the educratic radar.
You may have seen these in May, or you may not have seen them:
1) ACLJ has reported that parents have filed lawsuits to block Buddhist meditations in schools. While this isn’t new news, the American Center for Liberty and Justice has been tracking the indoctrination and UN-backed shift of ‘mindfulness’ in the classroom. (*Note: ACLJ is also a proponent for ‘school choice’, but that’s a whole issue unto itself.)
Back in 2018, I wrote for the Patriot Institute how yoga was being used in classrooms for UN’s SDGs as well as SEL (social emotional learning). Warriors, as you know, yoga is used for ‘mindfulness’.
2) Salt Lake City’s gearing up for the UN’s 68th Civil Society meeting.
(See the late 2018 announcement video)
So, what’s new in May 2019 for this big SDG palooza?
The Mayor of Salt Lake City has an aggressive schedule to make the City 100% ‘green’ by the 2030 Olympics. Why? Salt Lake City is supposed to host the Games. She said they’ll be the ‘all renewable’ games.
Warriors, if you are not sure how the Olympics fit into the United Nations, or the SDGs, you can read my research on it.
(*Note: Salt Lake City is also a top Resilient City by the Rockefeller Foundation as well as a “Smart City” to align to the UN’s SDGs. ‘Resilient Cities’ are hubs for SEL, social emotional learning. SEL also aligns to the SDGs.)
3) Speaking of the SDGs, did you know that earlier this month (May 2019) a New York City meeting took place to update progress in America to adhering to the UN’s master plan?
To read the 2019 SDG Progress Report, click here.
4) SDGs breed Global Citizens, Warriors. If you’ve read my blog from the beginning, you’ve seen how it’s been laid out and connected to the CCSS Machine. If you’re somewhat new to the blog, you are welcome to search my archives. During May (2019), my email inbox was filled with Participate Learning’s Global Citizen in the classroom resources.
(*Note: Participate Learning was formerly known as VIF International Education. They are also a “B” Corporation. “B” Corporations are part of the CCSS Machine. These types of corporations thrive on social justice and competency based skills.)
What will Johnny and Suzy see in the classroom? The 10 Competencies they must master to become global change agents (just as the SDGs demand).
(Link to the English version. Link to the download page where other languages are available.)
5) May 2019’s 116th Congressional Labor/HHS/Education Appropriations Bill (HR 2470)
This Bill has a Committee Report (116-62) which you really should read.
In essence, the House of Representatives is trying to fill the holes in the budgets for the U.S. Depts. of Labor/Health and Human Services/ and Education. The ‘holes’ which President Trump’s proposed FY 2020 Budget put in place.
Among the ‘holes’ to be refilled:
a) Funds for PreK and early childhood education alignment
b) Funds for K-adult education
c) Funds for medicaid and social security (these are tied to education as well)
d) Funds for a nation wide SEL initiative
e) Funds to increase workforce based education
Warriors, as you can see, mayhem via educratic BS is a constant for us. However, these five items are proving that the CCSS Machine has ‘stepped up’ its ‘game’.
Will we reject these disruptions to our freedoms? I sure hope so!
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