Anti Fed Ed Warriors, if I’ve said it once, I’ve said it hundreds of times that STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and, Math) is a coined acronym in use to deceive us all.
Yes, I know, I’ve heard it before, “But, Lynne we’ve always had science and math. We’ve had engineering in the past and technology, too.”
HOWEVER, Warriors, the deception is that by creating an acronym with things we are familiar with, the agenda is easier to be implemented.
What do I mean? A few years ago, I wrote an article showing you how the NSF, National Science Foundation (a government funded agency of the USA), was tasked to come up with a marketing tool to ‘win’ the nation over with.
WHY? Evidence suggests their ties with the UN (United Nations). More to the point the UN’s damnable SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). STEM was (and is) the vehicle to change the course of education. At least according to the UN SDG Toolkit (created here in America). (*Note: you can access and read the Toolkit for yourselves. Look for the link under the Paragraph “From 2002”. The sentence beginning with “Tool Kit” is where you’ll find the document.)
THEN, once the acronym was selected, the President (Obama) had to be influenced. I also revealed HOW he was influenced (a PCAST Report). (*Note: when you go back and read the embedded links, you’ll notice that the Presidential influence began well before President Obama, especially in regards to the NSF.)
So, what WAS the agenda and does it still survive under our current President?
Agenda: STEM ushered in about the same time as Common Core, so no one would notice. Use STEM to create a STEM people with a STEM education for STEM jobs and a STEM economy. In other words more mastery based education, or as it’s been sold to us, competency based education (CBE). Why CBE? Skilled workers. Skilled in STEM, that is.
Is the Agenda surviving? Absolutely! In fact, President Trump is a huge supporter of STEM because it means jobs. As we know, jobs means economy.
However, Warriors, the STEM economy is NOT for America, it’s for the global good and their economy.
U.S. Sec. DeVos has done an ‘outstanding’ job of promoting STEM, too. Since STEM is global and she has seen it as her duty to sell our nation out to global mastery based education, you can be assured STEM will be popping up in current proposed DC legislation.
STEM In Legislation for 2018 And Beyond:
Warriors, right now, we are nearing the end of Fiscal 2018. On October 1, 2018, our government begins FY 2019.Currently, STEM is woven into several of the FY 2019 Budget Bills. I shared with you, back in August, several of the ways in which, not only STEM would live on, but the top-down educratic control.
The biggest ways STEM will survive, as well as the educratic control are apprenticeships, CTE (Career Tech Education), College/Career Readiness, and P3s (public private partnerships).
STEM’s P3 Legislation:
Warriors, if you’ve not seen what a STEM P3 would look like, consider NASA.
More recently, there’s been concocted a lesser known legislative bill.
It’s HR 5119, simply titled The P3 Act. This Act was introduced back in February 2018 and hasn’t seen much action (if any) since then. However, what the Bill contains cannot be acted upon until there’s the money to bring its agenda to fruition!
ICYMI: The researched evidence behind the Harvard/Pearson project turned educratic overreach. You can also learn more from this archived article.
So what does the P3 Act stand for, Warriors? After all, every DC Bill has some sort of acronym to it. “P3” in this instance stands for ‘‘Partnerships for Progress and Prosperity Act’’. It’s a fancy way to ‘dress up’ the regular P3 meaning (public private partnership). The Bill has one sponsor and 5 co-sponsors and is currently in the U.S. House of Representative’s Education and Workforce Committee. Rep. Bill Foster from IL is the sponsor. If you look at Foster’s campaign donations the U.S. Dept. of Energy contributed the most money. If you look at the committees Foster serves the nation in, Energy in among them.
(*Note: in 2017, in Foster’s district, Joliet Junior College received a NSF Grant for STEM.)
Here’s how the P3s will play into STEM and ‘education’:
1) Requires the U.S. Dept. of Ed to award grants to LEAs (Local Education Agencies) for STEM, exclusively.
2) The grants MUST be used in the following ways:
a) to improve education in K-12 and higher education institutions
b) every awardee is required to partner with a STEM business or employer
c) internships and apprenticeships are mandated to be included
d) development of STEM curricula and metrics
e) dual credit courses are mandated
f) tutoring/mentoring in STEM, especially for underrepresented student groups
g) STEM activities and events outside the schools and in the communities are mandated for teachers and students
h) after-school STEM and summer STEM programs
i) purchase of STEM resources for STEM instruction
The U.S. Dept of Education (in these STEM grants) will pay special attention to any LEA who promotes STEM for students/teachers; uses tech based content; pairs mentors/tutors with students struggling to meet STEM benchmarks; and/or targets low-cost or free lunch eligible students.
One last mandate from the P3 Act for STEM: all grant award ‘winners’ MUST match 50 % of their award. The fifty percent must be non-federal funds and can be in cash or ‘in kind’ (which means any type of support in exchange for work or other services like free food or free housing.
(*Note: cash received in this manner is non-taxable. In kind can be claimed as a tax write off by the giver, but not the receiver unless otherwise advised.)
Warriors, when you read this 8 page Bill (HR 5119), you’ll see the familiar educratic buzzwords/phrases like ‘rigorous’, ‘evidence based’, ‘engagement’ (especially in the classroom), and my personal ‘favorite’: “high quality research”. Now the irony of this entire Bill is that is based of RECOMMENDATIONS, not objective facts.
The Bill also cites the PISA (Program for International Student Assessment), which is geared for not only CCR (College/Career Readiness) aka: Common Core, but the OECD’s (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) workforce based global system of CBE (Competency Based Education).
OECD is where the horrible label of ‘human capital’ comes from.

Related Archives:
STEM In The U.S. State Department:
ICYMI: How the State Dept. has become a STEM disciple for targeting women. You’ll see UNESCO involved as well. Included will be both NASA and NSF, too.
STEM In Other U.S. Agencies/Departments:
ICYMI: NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and others are STEM disciples, too. (*Note: The State Dept. and all the agencies mentioned were/are CCSS Machine member groups, too.)
Warriors, if ever there’s a time to be bucking the system it’s now. Those chilling words (at least to me) about the STEM people for a STEM nation are playing out right under our noses. Are we so stuffed with compliance and apathy, we don’t smell the stench of agenda? The agenda TAKES our freedom! The agenda erodes our education!
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