To you, my Anti Fed Ed Warriors, recently I released a short video on Facebook Live going over the education documentary “Resilience: The Biology of Stress; The Science of Hope”.
Let me point out that when I made that video, I had only seen the movie hours before and was still trying to process it all.
I thank you all who’ve provided feedback. Most has been positive.
Some Warriors, have even taken up the challenge about finding more and shared their resources with me.
I’ve been asked to write up a summary about the CCSS Machine backed documentary. I’ll also be making another Facebook Live follow up video with the questions I’ve been asked and give you answers.
I want to start with pointing out the word play being used against us, first, Warriors. “Resilience”, in the CCSS Machine context is distorted. What you see below is the final moments of a video on Twitter. It’s for small children!
Summary Notes:
Warriors, I’m using my personal notes and directly relating other information. Some of the information was in the film, some not. Either way, USE this to be asking questions at your school.
Word Games Which Aren’t Funny:
1) The use of the word ‘resilience’ all through the handouts and documentary is a play on the citizen’s mind. If you look at the Merriam Webster definition of ‘resilience’ you’ll find a) capacity to recover quickly from difficulties, b) toughness, c) ability of a substance or object to spring back into shape; d) elasticity.
Warriors, where do you see ‘grit’? It’s NOT there, yet the CCSS Machine, repeatedly has united it to ‘resilience’! Does Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary define ‘grit’ like this?
No, in fact the 4th definition of ‘grit’ is the only one which could be applied to humans!
“Grit” has also been united with ‘perseverance’ and ‘tenacity’. (As in the 2013, U.S. Department of Education publication. By the way, Pearson Publishing (2017) still uses that as a resource for higher education. The best way for grit or any of the CCSS Machine labels used in conjunction to reach our students (at all ages) is the ‘blended learning’, the technology, and the constant mind conditioning of SEL (Social Emotional Learning).
a) Angela Duckworth’s work in “Grit” was the base for this UK (United Kingdom) 2015 “Sorting Out Resilience, Perseverance and Grit” by Building Learning Power article.
b) The Chopra Center calls ‘Resilience and Grit’ the two ‘skills which must be practiced’. According to this article, you can even build ‘resilience’ in children who are not NATURALLY inclined to be that way. The key? Competency! (As in CBE, competency based education. Every Student Succeeds Act, ESSA’s FULL of this!)
c) Edutopia’s (George Lucas group) 2014 You Tube video where ‘Teaching Grit’ is shown as good. (*Note: from the child featured, this was once known as chores.) You’ll also see from Edutopia’s blog that resilience is equal to grit.
d) Positive Psychology Program: 5 Ways to Develop Growth Mindset Using Grit and Resilience cites Duckworth. This program is geared for adults and is science based.(*Note: Duckworth is tagged at least 30 times in the 2013 “Grit” form US Ed. as a source.)
The Study Which Created This Monster:
2) The CDC (Centers for Disease Control) and Kaiser Permanente teamed up, back in 1990s to begin a study . According to the CDC website, the study is housed in their “Violence Prevention” Page. So from then to now, the shift has been made from preventing violence to massive amounts of grit and resilience (not to mention tons of SEL) being inserted in our schools.
From my notes during the presentation:
Schools need to intervene for students and teachers in entire process of toxic stress because 85 % have no access to these types of services anywhere else. (Cited not able to use parents insurance or find in their communities)
Toxic stress is most often found in the homeless and poor, so we must end poverty (UN Sustainable Development Goal#1). Warriors, if you’d like to see how our resilience fits into the SDGs, look at this from New Jersey:
The CDC/Kaiser research goes on to this day, according to the documentary. Supposedly the ‘method behind the madness’ is reduce or eliminate ACE in Americans and you can leverage their performance and well-being. As one of the doctors who championed this Study put it, discovering lifelong stress was the ‘biggest public health discovery’ can be helpful, but it’s the 21st Century biology which is ‘new’ and will be tremendous. According to the documentary, toxic stress is ACE in action.
One Stanford University doctor put it this way, one symptom of ‘toxic stress’ is having no safe relationship where you feel protected. We, as a nation are so consumed with self. We are still using the outdated concept that ‘pulling yourself up by your bootstraps’ works. Kids can’t do this. Kids can only have ‘resilience’ when there are stable, caring adults in their lives who can ‘grow’ it in them. Life outcomes MUST transform adults. How do we do this? Start young and invest in them as ‘human capital’.
During the documentary, the ACEs are being used as a tool to re-define the ‘what’s wrong with you’? question to ‘what can we do about it?’ One person put it this way, you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink, BUT you sure can make him thirsty!
A huge component to all this resilience building involves the entire community. (Does THAT sound familiar?) One of the resources connected to the documentary (The Trauma Institute) has an entire presentation on expanding mental health services community wide, by resilience.
Featured in the film, using the ACE assessment on the family as a whole. That way, not only will the family members become resilient, their students can, too.
The CCSS Makeover deception is ALL kids must be resilience AND grit filled as soon as they are born. This is impossible unless you manipulate them from the start. Which is EXACTLY what the SEL (Social Emotional Learning) does!
Look below to see an Australian version of the resilience. Then notice what it ties to:
Why would I use an Australian version? Because it’s basically the same version the CCSS Machine is using via their ed documentary ‘research’! However, we must realize, this version is for ADULTS, not young children!!
We also need to realize that we know the CCSS Machine, as well as the documentary, view our students as ‘human capital’ or ‘talent pipeline supply’. Look at the underlined words above. Then, factor in how ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) also united workforce and education. Factor in the vast amount of SEL, ESSA contains, too.
This upcoming one day conference is being pushed on communities, too:

The Dollars:
Warriors, the filmmakers for Resilience have the bucks (aka: dollars). They also have the connections. As you can guess the two have been combined to create a 90 minute in-our-faces-social-emotional-learning-push.
However, that push isn’t reserved for the public school kids. It’s a push for a UNIVERSAL screening for FAMILIES.
Let’s not forget that due to ESSA’s mandates, SEL and a money trail are combined.
Oh, and Kaiser Permanente? Their goldmine? Health insurance is only part of their racket in this. KP is a global giant of a company.
Listen to their definition of ‘total health’.
Then compare it to the total health from another global health insurance giant, AXA.
Warriors, ‘total health’ to these businesses includes ‘whole body’. So applying this to the ‘whole child’ is a necessary step! As we know, the ‘whole child’ concept for education at the hands of the CCSS Machine has been made over into a system to conform them, not educate them! Because insurance companies insure your health, you know they also are involved in Medicare, Medicaid, Health Care Reform, and other related policy making ways. Ways in which it impacts our schools directly!
Rockefeller Foundation is also part of the Resilience movement. Their funding includes “Resilient Cities”. To see the Center for Youth Wellness, go here.
Other dollars for the Resilience movement will be found in these groups, too. Warriors, don’t forget that ‘new’ biology of the 21st Century will include STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and, Math). With STEM will be biometrics, too. Biometrics harvests personal data directly from your body.
Warriors, there is so much more which is tied to all this. The resources you are sharing are coming at me in a break neck speed fashion.
Just a couple of days ago, the White House unleashed its grab for SEL on our kids via the First Lady’s Initiative, “Be Best”. How will this involve SEL and education? Sec. DeVos was at Mrs. Trump’s side the day this was announced. So was the U.S. Sec. of Health and Human Services. (That’s where you’ll find SAMHSA, seen above.) SAMHSA is short for Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration.
One thing I would like your readers to understand. SDG Goal #1 End Poverty sounds so wonderful. Most people read this and think that the UN wants to lift everyone OUT of poverty INTO prosperity for all. No.No.No. That is not what they mean. Through the SDGs the plan is to make everyone equally poor. It is much easier to drag people down (as in dumbed down education) than it is to allow people to rise to the top. One thing the UN has been very vocal about is to destroy the middle class because the UN firmly believes the middle class is the cause of poverty. Truth be known the middle class is what accentuates the oppressive governments that hold their people in slavery and poverty. There can only be 2 classes of people in their vision of eutopia. The obedient slaves and their masters. Just like their SDG for Gender Equality. This goal means to make woman workers not mothers. I guess if men cannot have babies then no one should be allowed. Thanks for another great article.