Fellow Anti Fed Ed Warriors,
Does the featured image look familiar? We know the digital push for our families is at an all-time high. We’ve certainly seen the research on too much screen time and the damages laid upon our students when they are on their computers. But, what about the stealthy moves by those TV networks to not only draw students in, but entire families?
The type of shows being used? CCSS aligned education, for sure. Wrapped up as fun? More than likely. Adventures? Maybe. Indoctrinating plots or themes? You bet. The trouble is, you’ll never notice IF you’re not informed.
No, I’ve not recently read “1984”, but we all may as well of. “Big Brother” is snooping through our homes already. If you’ve got a Smart Meter for electricity; a Smart TV; a Smart kitchen appliance; and, most especially if your student has a school issued laptop. For those who home educate or take virtual classes? It’s a safe bet to know you’re ‘watched’ as well.
So, why would I bring up TV networks? Does this have to do with the ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) mandate that no student would be denied 24/7, 365 days a year access to quality digital on-line learning resources? I believe it does, 100%. In late 2017, I shared with you how Saturday morning TV had been totally transformed from simple cartoon fun to education.
If you’ve read my blog for a while, you know the tie between the major media companies, especially Silicon Valley venture capitalists in major media (ex: Netflix), have a massive game plan to reinvent education. It’s well it the works. Part of the plan is to totally shift away from people on school boards. Another part? Totally computer (and/or) TV driven education. Netflix is hardly alone, there’s Google, Verizon, Amazon, and scores of others ‘hot’ in technology and cannot wait to infiltrate our families with ‘education’.
Enter Quest TV:
While most of the attention for TV indoctrination has been obvious on cable and satellite TV, what about good, old-fashioned antenna TV? Warriors, if you have an antenna and receive PBS (Public Broadcasting System), that’s a start. But what about your local CBS, NBC, ABC, Fox, or, other networks?
What I’ve found is that they, too, are opening up channels on your antenna feed exclusively for education-that-doesn’t-feel-like-education-but-is. Especially for STEM. One such channel? Quest TV. This one is fairly new (at least in my neck of the woods). It’s 24/7 access to ‘entertain and inform’. Simply look at the leaders behind Quest TV and you have to wonder no more about the intent. Former leaders from NBC (US and globally), National Geographic, Discovery Channel, ABC, and, Kraft. Warriors, every single one of these groups is a CCSS Machine member. What’s worse is that every one of these uses the UN-driven STEM as well.
While all that seems bad enough, what we should also consider is the presence of a former leader of SyncSense. What’s that? Look below at a screen shot from their website:
If you cannot read the description of Syncsense in the picture, “When audiovisual content spikes the brain, you’ve captured the viewer’s attention. We optimize content to drive spikes or brain synchronization-without changing the creative. SyncScore then measures the effectiveness of media elements causing those spikes.”
If you’re not exactly sure what the ‘brain spikes’ and data mining mean? Think:
attention grabbing and retaining information, which keeps you coming back to watch more TV. (a 2013 article explains this). Another article explains that the reason these brain spikes are so important is due to the fact we see and hear, so taking in information in short visual bursts is ideal.
Apply this concept to all the computer time students have thanks to the CCSS Machine. If you’d like more research into the how and why this type of activity happens in the human brain, visit this blog.
Warriors, while it is fantastic how our brains are wired, it is terrible how the CCSS Machine has turned that into manipulation!
Warriors, is it any wonder the shift in TV is so successful? I know many researchers have studied this topic for years, but add to it the digital learning, global push and it indeed spells massive trouble for entire families, not just students! Notice that some of the same groups in the CCSS Machine also are clients of SyncSense.
SyncSense also has analytical clients. Among them, Peace Corps! If you wish to learn about the founder and other key data mining partners are in SyncSense, go here.
Enter the NIH (National Institutes of Health):
Warriors, did you know the NIH, back in 2014, had a research article exposing CCSS was BAD for students? Here’s the excerpt:
“Today, the US government, facing numerous educational failures, has developed the Core Curriculum, which proposes to address the needs of all students (5). The Core Curriculum assumes children have homogeneous gifts and weaknesses and, thus, applies one standard for all students. Yet, we are learning that this is absolutely the wrong approach.”
Yet, in the same article, it cited that ‘critical thinking’ is a ‘must’ for education. Warriors, as we know the CCSS Machine’s ‘critical thinking’ is not true critical thinking. The CCSS version is about ‘what to think’ not ‘how to think’.
Fast forward to today, and the NIH is EVEN more involved in education. Why? ESSA (as a law) increased the choke hold on education by the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services. NIH is a key part of the HHS.
Conflicting “Evidence” From the NISCE:
In 2013, the NISCE (National Institute for Student-Centered Education) held a “Learning and Brain” Conference. During this Conference, it was widely shared and taught that CCSS was GOOD for neuroscience and student’s brains.
Link to the NISCE Conference article.
Link to the Pearson Publishing article.
Warriors, if you are not sure what the NISCE does, it is an arm of the Schools for Children, Inc. According to the homepage for NISCE, their goal is the center of education being students, not tests or politics. While I can find no activity for NISCE beyond 2015, take a look through their website’s search results for “Common Core”. You’ll see 21st Century schools/skills and more.
If you’re not sure what Schools for Children, Inc. does, look below:
If you cannot read the words, basically Schools for Children, Inc. puts students needs first. Then, fills educational gaps. Followed by your school leaders receiving the right professional development. Then, the families and communities are factored in for a quality education. HOWEVER, read the SfC history and you’ll find the roots are in CBE (competency based education) via skill based learning. Be sure to read all three pages of the history. You should see the CCSS Machine agenda woven throughout it, just not by name.
Listed among the ‘Educator Resources’ for Schools for Children, Inc. is the ASCD; NAIS, and the ISTE. (*Note: ASCD is short for Association of School Curriculum Developers; NAIS is short for National Association of Independent Schools; ISTE is short for International Society of Technology in Education.)
Warriors, make no mistake, during school hours or outside them. The CCSS Machine is after every one of us. What can you do? Unplug the TV and spend a family night watching the stars, having a pillow fight, or just hanging out. Instead of tuning in, try tuning out the indoctrination and fodder of the global grab for our brains.
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