Greetings, Warriors! We are quickly approaching the time of year when we’ll be hearing lots of phrases like “To Your Health”. Typically, a phrase like this is meant to wish someone well.
However, the CCSS Machine’s version is much more intrusive. Warriors, take a look below, have you seen something like this? You won’t see the ‘intrusive’ part below, but it will soon surface.
Warriors, a concerned grandmother sent me this.
Here’s a short video about the MY Health-e-School:
Warriors, notice in the letter above, Spruce Pine, NC. It is located in Mitchell County. That’s in the mountain region of the state. The Mitchell County School District’s website has a motto “Every Student Prepared For a World Yet To Be Imagined.”
Warriors, in the video, while it does address some serious issues, did you notice anything tying this type of program to ESSA? Remember, schools, according to the law are to become full of wrap-around services for not only students, but entire families. See the Sections 4001-4206 of ESSA. If you would like to see what else ESSA has for birth-to-kindergarten, family data mining, etc. My 2016 look into such can be accessed here.
Center for Rural Health Innovation:
Warriors, if you look at the Mitchell County School District’s website, you’ll see partners for My Health-e-School, you’ll find not only the video (above), but you’ll see that the programs has partners. Some are in-state, others are out-of-state. As we’ve seen, anytime you have a set-up like this, a data trail is formed. What you see below is from page 2 of the registration form that concerned grandmother share with me. The form is from the CRHI (Center for Rural Health Innovation), a partner in My Health-e-School. They have partners, too. Board members of the CRHI include a social worker, the local Chamber of Commerce, and an economic development member.
Pause for a moment Warriors, and look below. This is a U. S. Senate created flow chart. I insert it here to drive home the point about where the health data will go.
- Source: (is easier to read)
The U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services was given an increase in authority in education via ESSA. This means health data collected at school will also go to the U.S. Dept. of Education. It will NOT stop there!
The American Academy of Pediatrics:
One of the partners of CRHI (Center for Rural Health Innovation), is the American Academy of Pediatrics, (AAP). Warriors, the AAP supports Zero to Three Common Core! The same Common Core that DIDN’T ‘die’ when ESSA was made into law! In this 2017 article you’ll see how they are involved in health + education = learning! The AAP also awards CATCH Grants (Community Access To Children’s Health). The Center for Rural Health Innovation is a recipient.
If you’d like to see a AAP CATCH grant 2015 document outlining the mandatory participation, look here.
In its current form, FERPA does NOT keep your student’s data safe!
Below is a screen shot from the AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics), they are definitely in the data/technology mix! To learn about HIT, go here. To learn about COCIT, that’s here.
Warriors, in 2015, the AAP was named the authoritative group for the National Head Start Center on Health. Head Start and Early Head Start are not only mandated in ESSA, they aligned with the CCSS Machine long ago. Find the two Gates Foundation grants the AAP has received.
Earlier this year I showed you have both programs were embedded in the NC State ESSA Plan. Remember, Warriors, this Head Start is in EVERY State.
Just a few Warrior Questions to Consider:
Think about the fact that these STUDENTS will be at school, without Mom/Dad or their guardian. Diagnosis and treatment on minors without their trusted adult with them, is this wise? Isn’t this just one more blow for parental involvement?! What about misdiagnosing? It happens in personal visits to the doctor, how problematic will an internet connection be? We’re already seeing doctor offices which bar parents from accompanying their child into the patient rooms, now we’ll see the school expecting us to trust them in health care?! What about the fact that as soon as our students walk on to a campus, parents are no longer in charge of their own child; the school must authorize us to even darken the doors, now we’ll just let them handle our children when they are sick, too? Think about it!
More on Mitchell County:
Back in 2015, the School District was awarded $88,000.00 for a 1:1 (One laptop for every child) Initiative. It also received another $350,000.00 from Golden LEAF. (*Note: Golden LEAF is included in the linked article below)
Mitchell County is considered a rural one. So, the CCSS Machine has ‘special’ alignment efforts for these types of places. Back in 2015, before ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) was made into law, I showed you how the plans for rural education were getting made over to align, data mine, and undermine academics.
Warriors, you’ll find Blue Cross and Blue Shield both in the above linked article and this one from Prevent Common Core.
From a general search about the safety of telemedicine and data, I found what you see below. In the full graphic, you’ll see the security of data is less than 50%.
Warriors, with less than 50% security WHY would a school system ask you for permission?
This is yet another reason to contact your Congress members by the end of 10/31/17! Why? HR 3157(from the 2015-16 Congressional Session). ‘Do not further weaken FERPA. Instead, they should restore FERPA to its original status and restore parental consent before sharing students’ personal data.’ (quoted from Karen Bracken’s Facebook post). My fellow Warrior Cheri Kiesecker has all the details in her article.
Warriors, every time there’s a new registration form concerning data…
Want to understand how FERPA’s present state does not protect your child? Click on the FERPA 101 tab.
The slippery slope to Communism.