Knot In My Backyard

Breaking News! Monday Musings

Anti Fed Ed Warriors, the G20 Summit has ended for this year.

What missed the mainstream media (as far as I know) is the state of education, according to the G20. What was said? What was plotted? Will all this tie to ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) or WIOA (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act)? Will the STEM Act  (Science, Technology, Engineering , and Math) be included?
What about the impact on the re-writing of the HEA (Higher Education Act)? The UN’s SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), are a uniting bond between all these American ‘education’ laws and connected programs.

What Those G20 Leaders Did:

From what I’ve found, the G20 (stands for ‘Group of 20’) has sub-groups. An overall theme of the G20 and all its sub-groups is an “interconnected world”.
One such sub-group is the B20 (Business 20).
Look below what they came up with while in Germany:


If you haven’t heard of the B20, click here to access their 2017 website information.

So, what IS G20’s agenda when it comes to education?

Four main points, my fellow Warriors:
a) more females as business leaders/owners
b) more immigrants and refugees in the workforce
c) supply chains which embed the SDGs
d) future workforce

The 2 uniting factors for the G20’s agenda?
a) our youth
b) social issues

Find the above information here.

In the B20’s White Paper, you’ll find how education is (once again) used as an ‘ends to a means’, NOT as an endeavor of its own.
Plenty of ‘innovation’, technology, and skill based learning are part and parcel of the B20 Plan to support the G20 agenda!

Warriors, if you wish to have further proof of America’s resolve to become global (and not remain a strong nation of our own), consider these facts:
a) America is a ‘card carrying member’ of both the UN and the G20. This means whatever agenda items these groups have, the US has as well. These, items are either already in our backyards, or will be very soon!
b) The G20 has the following sentences ‘buried’ in their 2017 Agenda“The G20 will be resolute in its endeavours to ensure the rapid and comprehensive implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, with its global goals for sustainable development, and of the Addis Ababa Action Agenda.”

What’s The ‘Addis Ababa Action Agenda’?

Basically, its a set of 134 items created in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) back in 2015 to finance all the needed programs and goals of the Sustainable Developmental Goals by the UN. Actually, there are only 133 items. The last item is the plan for a possible 2019 meeting to see how things are going.

In this particular document (2015 for a ‘post-2015’ world), you’ll find legal frameworks, either already in place, or about to be set in place; you’ll find how public-private partnerships will use private money to support the common, public good; you’ll see how STEM and data mining will go hand in hand, and there’s more.

Several world financial entities are named. For example, the World Bank. (Warriors, we’ve known for a long time how the World Bank backed Common Core. It still supports in the the ESSA Era, too.)

As has been shared in the past, education is #4 on the SDG list of 17 items. Every one of the 17 SDGs is already in America’s backyard.

Warriors, also appearing in our backyards are the school programs and extra-curricular events centered about global citizens or making our world better. Listen to the words this ‘ambassador for education’ utters in this short YouTube video. The video was filmed a few days ago during the G20 Summit. Notice the backdrop, look at the bottom right hand corner to see the SDG colorful wheel appear every so often during the video.

*Note: in the video clip, Sharika refers to an international finance committee. She suggests an investment of trillions of dollars to support global education. Her ties to the UN are thick. Thus, the ties to the CCSS Machine are also there. (Sharika focuses on early childhood education.) We’ve seen as Warriors what’s happened to this age group in education, thanks to the CCSS Machine.

The committee Sharika meant is the International Commission on Financing Global Education Opportunity. You can access their website here. The USA ties to this Committee can be found in the form of two Harvard University personnel members, who are among the ICFGE’s Leadership.
(Warriors, remember Harvard has been named here on my blog several times as being a key CCSS Machine member organization.)

A mandate of the Commission for education? “The Commission’s mandate was to identify the most effective and accountable ways of mobilizing and deploying resources to help ensure that all children and young people have the opportunity to participate, learn and gain the skills they need for adulthood and work in the 21st century.”

The Commission says its main focus is low-income and middle-income countries and their education debacles. Why will you find this information? Click here to get their Learning_Generation_full_report_v2.

So WHY is the US involved? Why would the US, as a first-world country need to shift its education to match everyone else’s?!

Warriors, think about it, if America doesn’t align, the agreements we’ve entered into to concerning adhering to global agenda items, we’ll have violated them.

What We CAN Do:

Warriors, encourage; no, demand that our US leaders cut the ties to the UN completely! Demand we, as a nation, divorce our nation from the agreements which have found our educational system as an intended consequence. Refuse the global pushes in your backyard.  We MUST act to save our students and teachers from the global education/CCSS Machine. Demand your State STOP funding any assessment or educational resource group tied to the UN. Resist the global citizen push in your communities. End the relationships with the Unions in education. The top two, NEA and AFT are tied at the hip to the global education shift.

We are STILL American! We STILL have freedom. We MUST act now to preserve our nation.

*Note: if the video link is broken, look in the comment section to view it.


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