Keeping It Local

From the Files Tuesday

Warriors Against the Core, we all know how great it can be to have things available to us without having to go too far from home. BUT, what happens when all the ‘local’ education becomes anything but local?!

We enjoy not having to travel  so far to recieve an education. We need to keep in mind it’s set up for us by those who live far away. We WILL have to adhere to its it or not.

It should go without saying that the constraints will include Common Core, in one of its many forms.

The CC Forms Are ‘A-plenty’, But Hardly Original Or Local:

As we know, CC is only one form of the modern education reform’s educratic buzz word ‘game’. There’s the more adult form of CC: CTE (Career Tech Education); then, there’s STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math); there’s STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math); NGSS (Next Gen Science Standards); NGSS (Next Gen Social Studies); C3 (College, Career, Civics Life); CPs (Career Pathways); AAI (American Apprencticeship Iniatiative); CCR (College/Career Readiness), and, probably others we’ve yet to hear about.

The goal, regardless of the name, is the same: Workforce based education for 21st competency based learners.

As we know, none..not ONE of the above alphabet soup names is locally written, created, inspired, or otherwise fashioned together after. Every bit of the programs above is in the CCSS Machine from a top-down force. I do not mean a D.C. to your backyard force, I mean a globally driven force.

So, it should be NO surprise that when we wake up in our homes across America to face another day, we find the CCSS Machine has made one more stride toward us. Today, it may target your little ones; tomorrow, it might be the adults who are targeted; the following day could see our learners who are gifted tapped for the Machine. We may find that our special needs students will also be ‘blessed’ with educratic reform.

The point of the CCSS Machine is that NO age group will escape the top-down education reform.

The Proof Is Right Before Us:

Maybe you’ve seen, Warriors, the ads on social media for education grants awarded to those citizens in America over 50. That’s right, those over the “Golden Age” can get ‘free money’ to go back to school. But, what real LOCAL influence will these people receive if and when they go back to the classroom?


In the picture above, the article shared that across America, certain community colleges waived tutition for students over 60.

That’s great, right? I mean, who doesn’t love free stuff?! But, as I’ve shared with you time and time again, our community colleges are being used as workforce education mills for the CCSS Machine.

If I’m one of these lovely elderly citizens, I may not know that by going to college for ‘free’ is laced with workforce agenda. If you know someone like this, share my  August 2016 article detailing the CCSS Machine’s power grab for citizens ages 50 and over. 

Wait, though…what if I’m a student under age 50?! What waits for me at my local community college or for-profit school? 

The CCSS Machine Grinds On:

Warriors, you know we’ve seen and heard plenty to prove CCSS is after the zero to post-secondary set. Somehow, that’s EASY to talk about. But, no matter how much evidence surfaces for those above a college graduate level (say, around 30 years and older), the conversations become hushed, or worse, non-existent.

It’s also quite okay to say CCSS is infiltrating public education. Try using that mindset backed by evidence for all the other school choices and you can be laughed at, scoffed at, or, my favorite; wearing your tin foil hat a bit too tight.

Since we know the CCSS Machine is linked to the UN’s Master Agenda, we should be ready admit that NO AGE limit is to be free and safe from the reform happening.

So, why was education chosen as the ‘silver bullet’ of the change agents?
Education is an on-going process. It is open to any age limit. Learning, without the CCSS Machine, is a natural progression.

Ah, The Aligned and Defined:

Community Colleges, as I’ve proven before are the ideal location for the CCSS Machine to grasp anyone who’s not been its grasp before. How? Think about it, home educated students often choose (or have chosen for them) their local community colleges for dual enrollment, or, as a stop gap between their K-12 education and any further education. Community colleges welcome those who are between careers, needing to take a course of two for their job, rehabilitate a person who’s been in prison, or, anyone going back to school after some absence.

Community Colleges are also beacons in their respective towns. Local taxpayer funds go into these schools..but so do federal dollars. Warriors, that, as we know, is the downfall of every single State in the United States. The local control, the local say completely gets muted when federal funds are involved. So, what’s the latest anti CCSS News as far as community colleges go? How will this news impact any age person who attends a community college?

The Digital “Do-Gooders”:

Warriors, if you’ve not clicked on any of the embedded links so far, you won’t know how ESSA, WIOA, and HEA (Every Student Succeeds Act/Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act/Higher Education Act) are woven into every age group.

That stated, I am positive, you, as an  anti CCSS Warrior, do know about the ‘digital do-gooders’. You know them by their name or their sales pitches. These are the companies which act ‘educational’ with their computer, devices, software, and ‘personalized learning’.

These are the companies which have lobbyists championing the ‘ditch the traditional textbook and let’s get everyone on-line’ sales pitch. All the while, the legislators stare googly-eyed at the prospect of how going 100% digital will make them an ‘education rock star’ with the voters back home. If you believe the hype, there’s so much digital goodness to be had in education, it’s a wonder the entire nation isn’t running over with saints!

One such company, Vital Source has created a wonderful (and I do mean it sarcastically) guide of digital ‘do-goodness’ for EdSurge (a sold out CCSS Machine member organization).

This short video will show you how all the digital goodness (in this case the data mining) will work together to help your school.


If you are an educator, this video will show you have to ‘leverage’ data for better ‘personalized learning’.


For those who are in the school leadership positions, Google’s using the digital opportunities to include school administrators in the data sharing of what goes on in the classroom. See this article.


Warriors, make no mistake, the CCSS Machine has proven time and time again, that by every available means, it is out to assimilate everyone in its path. The question is, how willing are we to stop this?


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