Proclaiming “Superb”, Not S.O.S.

Would You Believe It Wednesday

Warriors Against the Core, forgive me, but I must speak up. We’ve been together for quite awhile. Day in and day out, we’ve continued to fight for saving our students, teachers, and nation from the egregious CCSS Machine.

We’ve survived federal legislation hearings, social media blitzes, local and state level witnessing opportunities, and the heart sinking moments when those almighty Congressional votes didn’t go as We the People wanted them to go (references: ESSA’s passage and Dr. King’s confirmation). Yet, for the most part we’ve stuck together. Win or lose, we have had each other’s backs.

Since the election, we’ve seen our nation divide between ‘lovers and haters’; between ‘champs and chumps’. However, when the Trump Transition Team announced a short list for the U.S. Dept. of Ed Secretary, it appears a division is among us, as Warriors.

My fellow Moms and Dads; Patriots and Citizens. THIS IS EXACTLY HOW THE CCSS MACHINE will advance their agenda!

While the entire Anti CCSS and Fed Ed Warrior group is nation-wide, there’s no way each and every one of us will agree on just who should have the education reins of this nation.

Depending on where we are in our knowledge of all things Common Core, we may each feel there’s a specific person who would be the best for the job of overseeing the Ed.

However, before I go on, please remember, Ed oversees early learning (birth to PreK), K-12, and Colleges, Universities, and Career Tech Education schools. Thanks to ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act), WIOA (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act), HEA (Higher Education Act), and all the connecting laws, the CCSS Machine has almost completely aligned our nation to a CBE (competency based education).

If we are SO opposed to federally led education, why would we, as the MOST knowledgeable on this illegally based education reform even be satisfied with the Transition Team’s choices? Have we become so resigned that we are willing to take one more elected official at face value?

Why are we not doing all we can to suggest names of those truly on our side in this War?

Are we willing to rubber stamp other establishment choices?

If we truly peel back the layers behind all the candidates on that short list, you’ll find that there ARE connections back to the CCSS Machine in some way. Why are we not being the Warriors/Patriots and bucking this establishment?

Isn’t that what We wanted? We should be making every opportunity to influence this Team of Leaders on those Warriors for our children who have a proven, 100% vested interest in our future generation, not in an agenda.

It is not only possible to find such candidates, it is imperative! Some of the most SUPERB candidates are those who’ve been fighting this for longer than most of us; who’ve dug into the trenches right by your side; who’ve spoken out or up at countless meetings, seminars, interviews, etc.; who’ve openly dedicated their lives to education as it should be.

These type of anti CCSS/Fed Ed Warriors are the ones I would go into battle with any  day. They are not just great Warriors, they are SUPERB Warriors.
Some more than qualified Warriors that I’ve been contacted about:
Dr. Peg Luksik, Dr. Duke Pesta, Anita Hoge, Diana Anderson, Dr. Gary Thompson, Charlotte Iserbyt, Donna Gardner, and Dr. Pat Huff. While they are well known on our side of this War, why have We not uplifted them to the Transition Team? After all to beat the system, you have to offer more than the system.

Just consider this, my followers, if we do end up with one of the ‘top choices’ the establishment has tagged, will this be enough to change the system? I doubt it. If we desire only greatness, it won’t be enough. Not when the stakes for our children ‘are through the roof’ important.

No, for American education to be free of the CCSS Machine, we must not only demand ‘superb’ people, we must strive for superb results.

Superb American education should be the goal of our War, not the same old stuff backed by the same old system for the same old ‘quasi-success’.

To have the superb education, we MUST not feed the Dept. of Ed, we must wipe it out. We must not feed the workforce based education marriage of the Depts. of Labor and Education. We must refuse to have the Dept of Health and Human Services use our students as ‘lab rats’. We must openly and often strike a blow to the CCSS Machine.

Helping further the misnomer of ‘quality education’ in America is none other than our current Administration. From the ‘love affair’ Congress is displaying for CTE to the President’s proclamation for “Education Week 2016”.

As I’ve shared with you, countless times with fact based evidence, our current Congress is chafing at the bit to make CTE a ‘saving grace’ for America. Does that sound superb?

Our current President is hell-bent on leaving office claiming how much he’s had to do with the educational success in America. Oh really?! As evidence has come along, we’ve seen just how sold out to the status-quo, aligned CCSS Machine education he’s supported and pushed along. Is that superb?

To see this “proclamation”:

If We have any hope of shifting education BACK from aligned to superb, we MUST rid our nation of the data mining geared for another person/company’s profit over a student’s benefit of knowledge and superbness:

While the 9 federal levels are easy to spot, look at the variety of other agencies which are not easy to identify as connected.

And this connected system that’s been in place since the early days of the current President’s service:


Then, the global assessments, the lies about skills gaps and achievement gaps. The fallacies that the only way to teach is via a plugged-in computer instead of a dedicated and wonderful teacher, and yes, even the fallacies of school choice and education savings accounts.

Every bit of these things DETRACTS from superb citizens and FEEDS right into the U.N. Sustainable  Development Goals for educated workers in a global economy as a global citizen. They use our taxpayer dollars against us and open the door for micro-managing how we live our lives. 

HOW is any of this SUPERB? How will any of this catapult America beyond all this ‘less than great’ education to one that is truly desired? Forget transition, we need TOTAL TRANSFORMATION.

Rather than back the establishment’s choices, why not have THEM back ours?!

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