Setting Us Up

From the Files Tuesday

Anti CCSS/Fed Ed Warriors, this is the follow up to the U.S. House of Representative’s Subcommittee Appropriations article. When I closed that one, I promised that if the U.S. Senate had a similar appropriations report, I’d delve into it as well. This is that article.

If you missed the House article:

What is interesting is that one of my dear fellow Anti CCSS/Freedom Loving Grandma Warriors, re-blogged my article with an obvious question: I do not understand how this is legal. Would someone explain it to me? My friend/Warrior was referring to how Medicaid/Medicare funding could be used in  education. I salute my friend for asking this vital question. I’m with you. HOW IS IT LEGAL?!

To see Granny’s blog, where she featured my article (I’d love for you to see what else she said/asked):

Why these articles are needed: In the House Appropriations article, I showed you an in-depth look at how our taxpayer funds are being used against our children in, not only the name of education, but other areas of our lives, no matter their age. In this article, I’ll do the same with the U.S. Senate’s Appropriations for FY (fiscal year) 2017.

And…We Meet Again:

Seated on the U.S. Senate’s Subcommittee on Appropriations are none other than Sen. Lamar Alexander AND Sen. Patty Murray. The two tag-team members we saw parading ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) around as the savior of American education.

Knowing there are other ESSA supporters on BOTH sides of the ‘American taxpayer bank accounts’, we need to pay VERY special attention to their moves.

We saw in first article how wicked the House is with our money. Let’s see how wicked the Senate is.

Back in June of 2016, the Senate’s Subcommittee on Appropriations approved almost an exact copy of the House’s Report you saw in the House’s article.

While it’s obvious these approvals are dated, we need to hold Congress’ feet to the fire NOW. Why? The FY 2017 isn’t even 1 month old. Add to that elections in November, now a mere few days away. No matter who is elected, BECAUSE the money has already been budgeted, it will be their job to implement where the funds go!

In other words, Warriors, no matter how much we protest, Congress will continue to grind down our educational system. So, what CAN we do? Expose the wrong, seek any recourse we can.

That said, remember, I am NOT a Constitutional lawyer. However, no matter WHAT recourse we take it MUST be as a united front. These actions we are seeing are absolutely punishable. So why aren’t they being brought forth? At the very least, charging our elected officials with violating their oaths of office seems appropriate. Remember, Congress is setting a precedent here. They take our money, use it against us, dangle it in front of our States. It’s no WONDER our state leaders are jumping every time money is cast their way. How shameful it is that these leaders do NOT exercise their 10th Amendment sovereignty.
For IF they did, they’d send the federal bucks back in an envelope marked “Return to Sender”.


To  see all that the Senate has earmarked which mirrors the House:

A Trio of Noted Differences:

While most of what the Senate has approved appears to be exactly what the House approved for FY 2017. I did find a few differences. These differences, however, are just as toxic as the House’s.

1a) Charter Schools will see an increase in funding. ESSA’s mandates also increase charter schools’ influence. The danger in charter schools is: they are being used as a way to take public schools (along with those public funds) and be turned over to private management companies for reform (aka: school turnaround). The obvious unintended consequence? Loss of local school boards. This means loss of the parent’s voices. ESSA’s mandates also include MORE P3 (public private partnerships) arrangements.
I showed you a bit of how charter schools (as part of ‘school choice’ are being falsely lauded in ESSA propaganda
1b) Since some charter schools are private, I included them in my ESSA and Private Education article. Section 4301 in the ESSA Final Conference Report begins the Charter School mandates. See:

2) AmeriCorps will  see less money, but an increase in presence in your State. The reason? More national and local services. (See: Don’t let the name fool you. This is a CORPORATION, complete with a CEO.

AmeriCorps is part of the CCSS Machine for certain. AmeriCorps is in league with STEMCorps, SeniorCorps, and FEMACorps. In my previously published article about not only AmeriCorps, but P3s using children’s recess for social agendas and profit:

Their 5 year strategic plan includes, leverages the strength of grantees, participants, programs, state service commissions and the American public to build a network of programs that offer effective solutions in the six priority areas: Disaster Services, Economic Opportunity, Education, Environmental Stewardship, Healthy Futures, and Veterans and Military Families. We will produce these results by investing in effective local initiatives, engaging more Americans in service, supporting evidence-based programs, and leveraging public-private partnerships.
The backing for the Strategy? ” April 2009, President Barack Obama signed into law the Serve America Act, which amended the national service laws to reauthorize CNCS and expand its scope and programs. This landmark bill, which passed with bipartisan support, is the foundation for our Strategic Plan.” To access the 2011-2015 Plan: 11_0203_cncs_strategic_plan
On Page 9, look at the Learn to Serve Program. Suspect to also consider: Social Innovation Fund.
Page 12: the ever present, ESSA friendly (as well as the CCSS Machine reform ideal) “school  readiness”. Yes, my Warrior friends, our students can be considered capable by, “Well-implemented national service-supported efforts can lead to critical outcomes such as improved attendance, improved engagement in coursework, improved course completion, performance at grade level, performance on standardized tests, high school graduation, and persistence in college and university. Academic achievement— performance on standardized tests, high school or college graduation—is premised on strong academic engagement—high levels of attendance, positive behavior in class, or on-time course completion.”
Page 13 in the footnotes shows you how the Corporation is working with the U.S. Education for the Higher Education parameters. Oh joy, another proving piece of evidence to unite K-12 and Higher Education. The CCSS Machine LOVES this. Why? The Higher Education Act is the LAST federal law to be reauthorized to adhere to the agenda the CCSS Machine has in the works.

Page 14 starts in on the military families and veterans. Want to know about the CCSS Machine’s grasp on these people?

3) Corporation for Public Broadcasting will see more money. The stated purpose is increase interconnectivity across America. Given how much the CCSS Machine already has invested in interconnectivity, infrastructure, and agenda, I’m not surprised. If you don’t know how PBS (Public Broadcasting System) is  embedded in ESSA, consider this excerpt, “Page 630: Preschool and ‘Ready to Learn’ digital content, especially via PBS (Public Broadcast Stations).” To see the rest of the article this comes from:


Warriors, I don’t need to tell you how dire it is we act swiftly.

First action we MUST take: refusing to vote for any leader (local, state, federal) who supports the CCSS Machine in any way.

The American education reform is NOT a one political party problem. It’s not any ONE party’s fault we have CCSS. It’s also not any ONE party’s fault they’ve turned a deaf ear to We the People or that there’s SO much more to Common Core than just K-12 public education!

Our second action: get news like this out there! Knowledge is power. Power like this is something we Warriors MUST use effectively.

Third, IF we are to create havoc for the CCSS Machine, we need to be united. We also, MUST use the full power of our U.S. Constitution to rein in the egregious overreaches of our leaders.

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