Warriors Against the Core, when I last left you I shared that I would look into HOW Congress has set aside funding to continue the ramming of fed-led-ed down our throats.
While it appears everyone is focused on the Presidential race, we should note that it is Congress which holds the reins on not only making legislation BUT appropriating our tax dollars to carry out said legislation.
Case in point: ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) is going to take money (and lots of it) to be fully implemented. Above, I brought up the digital aspect. Several anti CCSS Warriors, have as well.
In my “Sorry, Mr. Babbage” article, you were able to see how the infrastructure of America is being remade for the overall goal of the CCSS Machine: culture shift. You hopefully, could see all the dots being placed around us and how the lines to connect them are becoming bolder and bolder every day. So how will the 2017 Appropriations fit in? Let’s see what we can glean from the evidence.
Link to article: https://www.commoncorediva.com/2016/10/19/sorry-mr-babbage/
Let the Record Show:
Here is a screen shot of the U.S. House of Representatives Appropriations Report:
Warriors, that is JUST the first page you see!!
As far as S 3190, I wrote about the digital overreach and the taxpayer abuse: https://www.commoncorediva.com/2016/08/16/ctes-health-country/
If you’re not sure how the Library and Museum Grants are going to be used against us and help shift our community culture to an aligned ‘one for all’ compliant group:
Related and a bit dated (2015), I exposed how Medicaid would be used to help align our students via loans, education, and all kinds of other federal overreach (for example: American Apprenticeships). At the crux? Sen. Lamar Alexander! See:
So, what else is this Report hiding? Below is a short list of hidden federal overreaches in education.
a) Continued use of taxpayer money without our consent. Congress covered its backside with this excerpt: “Within the funds provided, the Committee has focused increases on priority areas and reduced funding for programs that are no longer authorized, are of limited scope or effectiveness, or do not have a clear Federal role.”
b) Topping the priorities: biomedical research. Biggest ‘winner’? NIH (National Institutes of Health) I first wrote about the educational overreach via the NIH back in 2014. It has not only continued since then, but has increased its overreach, thanks to Congress. What is becoming more obvious is that the Affordable Health Care is being embedded in not only education, but every aspect of our lives.
See: https://www.commoncorediva.com/2014/12/13/sic-em-saturday-more-fed-budget-watch/
c) The Brain Initiative is among the top priorities. It’s yet another White House led plan of overreach. Learn more: https://www.braininitiative.nih.gov/?AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1
Knowing how ESSA and its mandates include using students, teachers, and families as research subjects, this is a very big area of concern!
d) CDC (Centers for Disease Control) and SAMSHA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) also get boosts of taxpayer money. Thanks to ESSA and its abuse of Title One funding in addition to the RTIs (Responses to Intervention) and Behavior Intervention and Management, as well as the data mining/tracking, our schools are absolutely in harm’s way of more federal overreach in education. How? ESSA plainly states that anything and everything..as long as its in the name of ‘student success’ is permissible; thereby open to being funded..with OUR money!
e) From page 4 of this 269 page document, you’ll find the summary of education funding.
Here’s the excerpt, “In the area of education, the Committee has included an increase of $500,000,000 to assist local school districts in covering the cost of ensuring all children with disabilities have access to a free, appropriate and public education. The Committee has also provided an increase of $450,000,000 to the Title I, Grants for Disadvantaged Students program to help school districts close achievement gaps between groups of students under the newly reauthorized Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). A total of $1,000,000,000 is also provided for the new Student Support and Academic Enrichment program created in ESSA. These funds can be used flexibly by school districts across the country to meet local challenges, whether those be in the area of counseling, special curriculum services or other school climate needs as local demands may dictate. The Committee has also included robust increases for the TRIO ($60,000,000) and GEAR UP ($22,000,000) programs to ensure that students from disadvantaged backgrounds have access to a college program. The bill also provides sufficient funding to increase the maximum Pell grant award to $5,935 in the 2017-2018 academic year. The Head Start program is increased by $141,629,000 and the Child Care and Development Block Grant is increased by $40,000,000 to continue investments in early childhood education. The Committee has also included $250,000,000 within the Department of Health and Human Services for the Preschool Development Grants program, also newly authorized in the ESSA.”
Related information:
If you do not know TRIO/GEAR Up programs, they are part of the U.S. Dept. of Ed and the “Upward Bound” agenda. Find out more:
How both are aligned to the CCSS Machine and knee deep in Congress:
i) https://www.commoncorediva.com/2016/09/22/bridges-and-ladders/
ii) https://www.commoncorediva.com/2015/03/19/tech-thursday-ccss-workforce-pushing-labor-reform/
iii) https://www.commoncorediva.com/2016/02/13/big-bucks-for-post-secondary-ed/
Other Note Worthy Items:
Page 5 begins the WIOA (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act) overreaches. If you’ve missed how ESSA embeds WIOA, I’m including my search results for the many articles connecting not only these two, but how they will change our lives and how HEA (Higher Education Act) is also embedded in both.
See: https://www.commoncorediva.com/?s=WIOA+ESSA
Page 6 starts the ‘evidence based’ rhetoric. As if the Committee needs to justify its overreach into workforce based education! At the bottom of the page, be sure to see how the infrastructure is to change via the States.
Page 8 brings us “YouthBuild” and WIOA QDI (WIOA’s Quality Data Initiative). The WIOA QDI is how the U.S. Dept. of Labor justifies data mining Career Paths/Tracks and CTE (Career Tech Education) of our students. To see what else I dug up on YouthBuild: https://www.commoncorediva.com/2016/09/13/the-chain-gang-cometh/
(*Note: ESSA mandates that not only students be taught and tracked for job readiness, but teachers and leaders are only lead/teach to a post-secondary readiness tune.)
Job Corps is also at the bottom of Page 8, how is this connected to ESSA or federally led education? It’s part of the U.S. Dept. of Labor and is part of WIOA! See what else I found out back in 2014 about union of work and education: https://www.commoncorediva.com/2014/10/23/tech-thursday-blast-from-our-workforce-past/
Page 19 begins the Labor Dept.’s statistics measuring. You know, Warriors, much data collection, sharing, and possibly selling of our information, will be found here.
Page 21 discusses our U.S. military vets. Yes, even their education will be federally micromanaged. What a horrid way to thank those who sacrificed so much for our freedom. At the bottom, look for the technology upgrades.
Page 23 (mid way down) begins the Dept. of Health/Human Services details. There’s lots to see in the pages which follow. Look for post-secondary mental health ‘upgrades’ and the nurses education alignments. Don’t forget the Rural Health Care. Then go back and consider how S 3190 fits all this.
Below, is what I found on Page 55. Notice how the Collaboratives are buried among the other health issues.
I pause to ask questions, Warriors, where is the respect for the Constitution and the students? Why are WE the People not afforded flexibility when it comes to how our hard earned tax dollars are used?
Page 60 reveals all the Brain Initiative participants.
Page 72 how science will be used as a tool to use to create attractive education for students, especially for biomedical research. This is where you’ll begin to see the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) step up. On page 78, in regards to the 2018 budget you’ll see not only STEM as a featured budget item, but another Workforce Study by the NIH. How this connects to ESSA? The STEM Master Teacher Corps (you’ll see the STEM Master Teachers Corps in the WIOA/ESSA related articles). This also connects to the STEM Act of 2015. See: https://www.commoncorediva.com/2015/10/21/wybi-tying-stem-to-ccss-again/
Page 95 begins the Early Learning ESSA related mandates. Look for Preschool Development and more. According to this Report, ESSA mandates that the Dept. of HHS (Health/Human Services) oversee this new education shift.
Page 96 begins the Community Development Grants. These are wolves in sheep’s clothing as well.
Page 109, would you believe a National Health Care Technology Information Official? Check it out for yourselves. There’s sure to be massive amounts of data mining there.
Page 116, Title 1 Funding and the U.S. Dept. of Education begins. Look for 21st Century Community Learning Centers, assessments, STEM, Comprehensive Centers, and so much more. You’ll see all kinds of Title funding, incentives, data mining, and more. (*Note: I’m not going into as much detail here, as I have previously detailed these portions of ESSA and/or fed-led-education.)
Page 126 features the CCSS Machine aligned “Stronger Together” and “Next Generation High Schools”. (see what I found: https://www.commoncorediva.com/2016/02/11/fed-ed-2017-are-you-ready/) You’ll also see the White House created “Computer Science for All”, that too will align to ESSA and fed-led-education. (Computer Science for All is featured in the Babbage article above.)
Bottom of Page 127 begins the Promise Neighborhoods. Many of the Anti CCSS Warriors have exposed how this ties HUD (Housing and Urban Development) to the CCSS Machine. Promise Neighborhoods will also be used as a ‘marketing tool’ for ESAs (Education Savings Accounts). Watch for it. It’s already happened in a few States.
Page 129 begins the Special Education funding. Here’s an article about IDEA and ESSA. It’s written from the private education stance. Why? Many special needs children are either in private education or are homeschooled. See: https://www.commoncorediva.com/2016/03/01/warriors-guide-to-essa-and-private-education/
Then this one shows you where in ESSA, you’ll find the Special Needs students will be just as workforce ready as the rest of the students. https://www.commoncorediva.com/2016/01/26/school-board-special-part-three/
To get the entire Report: hrpt-114-hr-fy2017-laborhhsed
Will I delve into the Senate’s similar Report? If there is one, you can bank on it, Warriors.
Warriors, while there is more I could share, I feel we must use what’s above to act quickly. In some States early voting has begun. Do we really wish to vote in candidates who support all this illegally based movement in America?
13 thoughts on “Sure Fire Disaster: Fed Ed”