Inclined to Disagree

Monday Musings

It’s a new work week, but the same ole rhetoric from D.C. when it comes to the federal role in education.

Late last week, Rep. Kline of the U.S. House of Representatives’s Education and Workforce Committee, released a statement of his disdain for the U.S. Department of Education’s ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) overreach  into teacher preparation for today’s K-12 classrooms. Below is a screen shot. The statement came to my email account.


Sorry, Representative Kline, I disagree with your ‘disdain’. Why? It’s as fake as a $3.00 bill! Quite frankly, the posturing needs to be saved for Broadway, not Washington D.C.’s government chambers and levied on the people as gospel.

Why would I call the Chairman of the Committee’s words false? The research proves it.
For starters IF the Representative had READ the ESSA as thoroughly as he should of BEFORE he voted on it, he would KNOW that the teacher preparation and alignment to the CCSS Machine was ALREADY written in BEFORE Dr. King was confirmed.

Then there the fact he is bosom buddies with Sen. Lamar Alexander!

Add to that that the ENTIRE Ed/Workforce Committee is doing EVERYTHING it can to INCREASE CTE (Career Tech Education, the adult form of K-12’s Common Core/College and Career Readiness)! IF Rep. Kline, again, had read the ESSA as thoroughly as we Warriors did, he’d know that the plan ALL along was to INCREASE the College/Career Readiness via the CTE and Career Pathways. But wait, maybe he DID know and has been playing us all along?!

No matter which, his statement points to using the HEA (Higher Education Act) to FIX the overreach into teacher preparation for leading K-12. Duh?!

What have I been researching and sharing about this all along?! HEA is the LAST link in the cradle to grave education for workers ‘bridge’.

Of COURSE teachers are to be aligned! ESSA states it VERY plainly. So, crying ‘FOUL’ over what Dr. King’s doing is a typical CCSS Machine fallacy-filled move! The biggest fallacy (which has been successfully used repeatedly by the CCSS Machine) is the ‘bandwagon fallacy’. I absolutely love fallacies and logic study. I led several classes for this a few years back. From my favorite logic study authors, the Bluedorn Brothers (“Fallacy Detectives”), here’s a simple example for ‘bandwagon’, “Clyde: “Dad, can I go to see the movie “Attack of the Killer Wombats?” Dad: “No, son, you can’t go. I heard that movie has bad things in it.” Clyde: “Awe, come on, everybody’s going to see it.” ” Below, you’ll see a bit more in-depth example.

Now, I don’t go off on this side bar for nothing. Many of us know that the ‘bandwagon’ has been a major hit in times past. My point however, is this, if we REALLY know how it’s being used against us, we gain another way to strike back!!

In our War vs. the Core, this is vital! Especially with all the policy making going on while Congress is at home. Oh, come on, you don’t think they are SO focused on the elections, they’d let an opportunity to create MORE P3 (public private partnership) opportunities collect dust until AFTER the elections, did you? I haven’t! Here’s why. When ESSA was passed into law, Sen. Alexander declared the HEA was next. Before Rep. Kline left for the Fall break a few weeks ago, he stated that his buddy, Alexander would take care of education when he got back to D.C. after the elections.

Warriors, they are all but baiting us with moves like this. I also think it’s wise to remember that the 2017 Fed Ed Budget (at least while they were still requests) had plenty of evidence about the teacher alignment (aka: professional development). I shared with you then all the CCSS Machine members who were going to be conducting all this development, too.


In a previous article, I shared with you the word play that was going on surrounding the HEA. Here’s an excerpt of why it’s re-authorization should very much be on our radar for action items after the elections, “ The latest re-authorization of the HEA was back in 2008.
1) The first item of business(after the Title description) in the HEA Extension is NOT the Perkins money. (That is, in fact, the second item of business.) The National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality and Integrity (NACIQI) and its Extension.

What does the NACIQI do?
Per the 2008 version of the HEA, this group follows the recommendations of the U.S. Dept. of Education’s Secretary in both accreditation and requirements for higher educational institutions to meet and uphold in order to receive funding. If you want to learn more about their powers, see: ”

To see the entire article: (*Note: There is a tremendous amount of ‘connect the dots’ in this one.)

I published this article, below, just days before the ESSA was passed. In it is a very detailed connect the dots for how much purposed alignment between the ESSA/WIOA and eventually the HEA.

We Warriors discovered the ties, but our legislators either didn’t discover in time, or just didn’t care. Either way, it was another fast tracked mammoth bill which became law and is grinding us all down.

To read the article about BOTH Alexander and Kline beginning work on the update for HEA in 2015:

To see how posturing Alexander has been over a few other related bills which will be hot ticket items when he returns to D.C.after the 2016 elections:

This article will give you not only how ‘free college’ (and its use as an election tool) helps align education and workforce/WIOA (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act) and ESSA to the HEA, but links to the 2017 Fed Ed Budget article I published on higher education alignment.

For the 2017 Fed Ed Teacher alignment figures/professional development:

As far as Rep. Kline’s supposed distress about the overreach of the U.S. Education, consider this article where I show you the well known groups using the language of ESSA’s mandates to set our school leaders up for alignment. While Kline is not mentioned, his good buddy Alexander sure is. Surely, though Kline knew earlier about some of these shifts. Look at the content between work and education!

If we are to believe Rep. Kline’s remarks about HEA fixing the problem and not U.S. Dept. of Ed/ESSA, be sure to ask him about these page numbers from the ESSA’s Final Conference Report. (This is an excerpt of my of my articles) “Teachers,  School Leaders, Non-Profits, For-Profits Inside and Outside the Classrooms: Pages 300/301; Page 302; Pages 323, 324; Page 344; Pages 347-349; 351-357; Page 406; and Section 9210 (yes, as in the Data paragraph above). In one ‘crunch’, see my “School Board Special Part 3”, for not only more revealed rottenness for teachers and leaders, but you will see more about intrusive data mining, as well as whole community alignment all in the name of ‘challenging state academic standards’ for student competency based education.” To see the entire article:


Finally, why I think Rep. Kline is being overly dramatic with his bandwagon use.
He knows full well that the U.S. Dept. of Education oversees Higher Education as well as K-12 education, and, early education.

Suggesting an updated piece of legislation (which is illegally based) to fix a problem created by another illegally based (updated) piece of legislation which is overseen by an illegally based federal agency is quite redundant.

It is also a disgrace to our nation’s checks and balances. Lastly, it is one of the most see-through attempts at manipulation over a group of citizens known as Americans, not minions.


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