Bon Voyage! Hello, Grinders

Breaking News! Would You Believe It Wednesday

Well, Warriors Against the Core, we’ve made it halfway through the week. While Congress hasn’t made too much noise about fed ed, the U.S. Dept. of Ed has.

Also busy at work? Those CCSS Machine members/groups bent on aligning our nation as quickly as they can.

However,  before we get to the latest moves, let’s be sure to say a not so cheerful ‘Bon Voyage’ to Rep. John Kline as the head chairman for the U.S. House of Representative’s Education and Workforce Committee.

During Kline’s rein, he helped ramp up fed ed, not decrease it. His position of power for education and workforce has plunged our nation further into deep and dark places which will take years, if not the rest of our lives, to correct….and, Kline’s walking away. Why are our students not given the same choice?!

His partnering with Sen. Lamar Alexander, as chairman of the Senate’s HELP Committee, has been one we Warriors do not need to soon forget. Between these ‘twins’, American education has seen a complete shift from academic to aligned; from freedom of choice to forcibly constricted. The only thing these 2 have filled our ‘looking glasses’ with is smoke.

While we know Kline’s leaving all this behind, who is stepping into his shoes? Rep. Joe Wilson from SC. Time will tell what we can expect from him. It is my personal hope that Mr. Wilson will be a true champ to our students, not another chump. Serving as co-chair will be Rep. Virginia Foxx from NC. She’s already shown her love for CTE (Career Tech Education) many times over. Will our voices be enough to melt her heart? Time will tell.

To all those about to be elected  as Congress members, the featured picture is an oath I hope you will take on behalf of the anti CCSS Warriors and those opposed to fed led ed.

So all that said, Bon Voyage, Rep. Kline, we Warriors Against the Core, will not pine.

Let the ESSA Grinders Begin:

Grinding down our kids Participant #1)
9/27/16, Data Quality Campaign had the unmitigated gall to release this:
“Among ESSA’s numerous provisions highlighting the value of data in education is a new provision to expand the role of research in education.” They carry on with how this is to help the States.

If you wish to see the 5 page document:

Be sure you note the OTHER involved CCSS Machine member groups.

You will also want to see the 4 data policies DQC will ram down our throats, too.

Grinding down our kids Participant #2)

While folks are still scrambling mad about Dr. King’s ‘overreach’ in post-secondary education and his off-base remarks about home education, he’s been busier than a king in his court. Meeting with special education teachers, leaders of education related groups (aka CCSS Machine member groups), groups who influence teachers in Title II funding, and all the while telling American students how great education is, and hey, while you’re at it, come fill out a new and improved FASFA app. He even crowned a ‘family engagement ambassador’.

Congress has proven they have short-term memory problems. Why? It’s their confirmation which saddled our nation with Dr. King’s ‘service’.

Participant #2 grinds on….

Late Tuesday, 9/27, America was given a newly crowned “Family Engagement Ambassador”. But, wait, more will be crowned in the future. Here’s an excerpt from the 27’s Press Release, ” U.S. Department of Education’s first Family Ambassador, Frances Frost, to increase parent and family engagement in education policy. The Family Ambassador position is made possible by a grant from the Kellogg Foundation and an agreement with The Campagna Center of Alexandria, Virginia, to support family engagement in education.”

Remember when it was decreed by first Duncan, and then King, that the U.S. of Ed was to be your partner as a parent? This is the way in which it’s being softly sold. Below, it a picture:

You’ll want to download this. Look at the CCSS Machine member groups who contributed to this! frameworks-resources

Grinder #3)
The ‘Chiefs for Change’ meeting was all about Title II funds. I covered the toxic CCSS Machine ties to CforC back in the previous election cycle when lots of State Superintendents were running in elections. These ‘Chiefs’ are all up in federally led education! To see their website:

To see how CCSS Machine influence is being used in relation to Title II funding (ie: public tax dollars):

To see the Dr. King/Chiefs for Change meeting:


To access the Chiefs Title II/ESSA document: cfc-title-ii-policy-brief

What’s interesting is that King met with Chiefs in the afternoon, and led a teacher discussion in the evening…hmmm, can we say ‘agenda’?!

Back to Grinder #2, again)
So what in ‘blue blazes’ did King say to the special education  folks at their convention?
The CCSS Machine member group, EdWeek, tells a subjective side,

From the EdWeek article, you can see that two national groups devoted to special education had a first ever joint conference. The NASDSE (National Association of State Directors for Special Education) and the CASE (Council of Administrators) just wrapped up. See what ESSA items they discussed:


My research about NASDSE :
3) What ESSA has in store for special needs:

Grinder #2, yet still)
even showed up (9/26) to encourage the Gen-I students! Gen-I is short for “Generation Indigenous”
See the Press Release:
You’ll need to note that Sec. Sally Jewell was there, HUD (as in U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development) and others were not only in attendance, but helping to lead the ‘unity’ (aka: alignment). I recently wrote about the degradation of education at the hands of the CCSS Machine:


Warriors, I know you see lots of opportunity to choose where you’d like to take a shot at the CCSS Machine. After all, It’s mission is what I call an ‘equal opportunity offender’.
Let’s be purposed, focused, and armed with facts when we do strike.

5 thoughts on “Bon Voyage! Hello, Grinders

  1. Reblogged this on The People's Perspective & News and commented:
    His partnering with Sen. Lamar Alexander, as chairman of the Senate’s HELP Committee, has been one we Warriors do not need to soon forget. Between these ‘twins’, American education has seen a complete shift from academic to aligned; from freedom of choice to forcibly constricted. The only thing these 2 have filled our ‘looking glasses’ with is smoke.

    While we know Kline’s leaving all this behind, who is stepping into his shoes? Rep. Joe Wilson from SC. Time will tell what we can expect from him. It is my personal hope that Mr. Wilson will be a true champ to our students, not another chump. Serving as co-chair will be Rep. Virginia Foxx from NC. She’s already shown her love for CTE (Career Tech Education) many times over. Will our voices be enough to melt her heart? Time will tell.

    To all those about to be elected as Congress members, the featured picture is an oath I hope you will take on behalf of the anti CCSS Warriors and those opposed to fed led ed.

    So all that said, Bon Voyage, Rep. Kline, we Warriors Against the Core, will not pine.

    Let the ESSA Grinders Begin: #SaveOurSchools

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